Reviews for Empty Tomorrow
Guest chapter 1 . 3/15
does anyone know what that fanfiction, the one this story is based on, is called?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14
does anyone know what that fanfiction is called?
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
Thank you for working some poison out of *my* system. I don’t know why I needed to cry today, but I did. Lots and lots of tears, for oh so many reasons.

Thank you for the release and your talent! Nicely done!
mcatinez chapter 1 . 8/21/2019
fucking amazing dude. wally's the best.
Spearmentalist chapter 1 . 4/11/2019
Wow... such a moving story. It really leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling at the end. I love how it was structured and the whole ending was fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Melira chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
This may very well be the most heart-breaking, rattling story I ever read. Your masterpiece, in my opinion. As good as your other stories are (and I love them all), this one is simply flawless. I absolutely adore how you bring across the character developments. How you explain whole story lines with just a few words. How you depict Wally's feelings and the way they change and at the same time stay the same. I can't do the perfection justice, only silently applaude.
DogsAreTheBest312 chapter 1 . 2/27/2019
Damn. That took a really dark turn. Darker than I thought it was gonna be. But still, great writing.
TheDorkQueen chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
Hrm94 chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
That was horrible! It was so well written, as are all your stories, but it made me bawl. I'm so thankful for the happy ending! I don't even want to read the story that inspired this.
soup chapter 1 . 4/27/2018
im crying my heart your such a good writer i hope u have a good day and life okk
AlexandraGaler chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
That story almost made me cry. Good job! Great writing.
VeronicaChase chapter 1 . 9/17/2017
Oh god I love reading this so much even if I cry every time XD
WonderfulWondyWorld chapter 1 . 7/16/2017
OH MY GOD. I know the story you're talking about that inspired this one, and I won't name it so it wont hurt you anymore, but I understand EXACTLY what you mean when it left a bitterness in your chest. It was so heartrendingly painful, with the obviousness of how Robin was dead, but they couldn't even find a body, and Kid Flash just couldn't have his closure... ahhh it was so painful. Which makes this even more precious, because this - this was the closure I needed, to know for certain that they could save him, and oh my god you are an amazing writer. I love you so much for this beautiful piece.
twistyslinky chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
I just read a really sad book that didnt have a happy ending so i came here and im sooooooooooooo glad i did! Thank you so much!
13cosmos chapter 1 . 6/24/2017
I couldn't stop crying. One of my favourite things about yj is the bond between kf and rob. This was absolutely amazing. Thank you so much. Honestly one of my favourite yj fanfics
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