Reviews for The Phoenixes
divatwinsadiegaia chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
near the beginning when describing the appearance of mushra's saviour it says while instead of white
clamche chapter 48 . 1/11/2013
That's my most favorite story!
Kayla McFarland chapter 34 . 7/15/2010
I love this story when I first read it I love it so much
rowenna chapter 48 . 2/17/2010
wow, this story is so beatifull I'm crying now !

Good job you're an awesome writer!
IchikoKitsuneKoumori chapter 48 . 8/19/2008
oh man that was beautiful
M.S.K chapter 48 . 8/3/2008
You're not going to believe this, but I'm crying.

I'm actually crying!

That was so beautiful, it was worth the 6 year wait...
Shizuka Taiyou chapter 48 . 8/2/2008
Good story. Very very good story. I've been reading this so many times that it still didn't get boring for me (even though this was the only Shinzo story that caught my eye). I couldn't do better myself (even though I can't finish a chapter to save my life). I hope ya can do another one just as good as this one that would catch my eye again (but this time don't make people wiat it gets annoying.).

Shizuka Taiyou chapter 47 . 7/10/2008
When is this story going to be finish? It's been years since a new chapter been seen by me. When is 48 coming out? I would like to finish reading this story and know what will happen to the guys.
Amanga chapter 38 . 1/21/2008
Yakumo is seventeen, not fifteen.
Amanga chapter 29 . 1/21/2008
“Yakumo’s mom a Ranger?” asked Mushra, even as Yakumo said: “She is”.

“Yakumo’s mom a Ranger?” asked Mushra, even as Emma said: “She is.”
Amanga chapter 27 . 1/21/2008
"It's mostly unpopulated, but there are wondering beast Enterrans.

"It's mostly unpopulated, but there are wandering beast Enterrans.

"Tommy said I should took with you – you and Kutall, that is, but I wouldn't listen.

"Tommy said I should talk with you – you and Kutall, that is, but I wouldn't listen.
Amanga chapter 26 . 1/21/2008
"Hi!" protested Kat.

"Hey!" protested Kat.

"How long was I asleep"

"How long was I asleep?"

You're our friends, Mushrambo.

You're our friends, Mushra.

The pain in his voice startled Mushra; he's never quite admitted to himself how mush he cared.

The pain in his voice startled Mushra; he never quite admitted to himself how much he cared.

"Kat told me", continued Mushra, as if he didn't notice Mushra's sudden freeze.

"Kat told me", continued Kutal, as if he didn't notice Mushra's sudden freeze.

"Why is it that everyone are trying to make me feel like a jerk?" complained Mushra, falling into a chair.

"Why is it that everyone is trying to make me feel like a jerk?" complained Mushra, falling into a chair.

"No-one's trying to make you feel like a jerk", said Kutal.

"No one's trying to make you feel like a jerk", said Kutal.
Amanga chapter 25 . 1/21/2008
More corrections!

"Seeing as the water wouldn't miss you, I figured I'd better come get you"

"Seeing as the water wouldn't miss you, I figured I'd better come get you."

And, quite frankly, you're too much of an advantage in this war"

And, quite frankly, you're too much of an advantage in this war."

I'm going to rip him limb after limb for this"

I'm going to rip him limb after limb for this."

We're friends"

We're friends."

"And if I know him at all, he's worried sick about you"

"And if I know him at all, he's worried sick about you."

"You should help yourself"

"You should help yourself."

"You'll burn yourself out"

"You'll burn yourself out."

"Right now, you're not suffering from anything worse than exhaustion"

"Right now, you're not suffering from anything worse than exhaustion."
Amanga chapter 24 . 1/21/2008
Great job! THis is my second read through and I'm still enjoying it! Caught a few mistakes and I couldn't help but correct them.

“This area was abandoned so long ago, that they probably don’t expect as to return here”

“This area was abandoned so long ago, that they probably don’t expect us to return here.”

“You’re fools, both of you” said Justin, shaking his head, “But brave fools”

“You’re fools, both of you” said Justin, shaking his head, “But brave fools.”

“Hi!” said Ashley, trying – and failing – to smack the back of Justin’s head.

“Hey!” said Ashley, trying – and failing – to smack the back of Justin’s head.

“I’m glad I didn’t have both of them on my team”

“I’m glad I didn’t have both of them on my team.”

“Maybe you’re the weak link, pal”

“Maybe you’re the weak link, pal.”

Hell, yeah”

Hell, yeah.”


IchikoKitsuneKoumori chapter 47 . 9/4/2007
wow um stepped over the edge? err... how fun
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