Reviews for After Ingleside
Nicole Cann chapter 42 . 7/5
This is my favourite story on fan fiction. I miss some of the missing chapters. Leaving the chapters out makes it more like the Maud we read, but not like the experience of being pregnant. The excitement and fear is almost unbearable
DrinkThemIn chapter 22 . 2/29
I want to scoop up Penny. She’s lucky to have John and his parents are even luckier. Hours of respite...sign me up! My own Truvy is somewhat useful in that way but it becomes rather loud.
DrinkThemIn chapter 21 . 2/29
I think the art of making a bed properly is just that - an art. I so appreciate it. Can I do it myself? Oh heck no. I think all of us little girls have watched a Grandmother prep a bed though. Mine in particular was very Mrs that opening scene was delightful for me.

Oh, being the one not ‘in the know.’ I can’t stand it. These ladies are far more dears about it than I, though. Una attempting to lie was so sweet. You know these characters backwards and frontwards!
Andrea1984 chapter 33 . 1/12
Sorry, it's a complicated story.
What's about a Family Tree ?
I lost the informations, which child lives in which family.

Thanky you.


Andrea1984 chapter 24 . 1/12
1920's, you mean ?

Poor Nan, lost more children that one.

That's not fair.


Andrea1984 chapter 16 . 1/12
Poor Nan.


Andrea1984 chapter 14 . 1/12
Jem names his son after himself ? Oh no, there are so many good names.


DrinkThemIn chapter 16 . 8/31/2019
You made me cry here. We were diagnosed with Failure To Thrive - threatened with feeding tubes and hospitalizations, attended weekly ped appointments. We got her to 15th percentile- I did, I should say. Only nursed and only at night. I was a basket case for a year.

3 years later she is thriving at 15th still.
I’m only sorry for Jerry and Nan. 3 babies gone.
DrinkThemIn chapter 14 . 8/31/2019
Oh I ate this up - and oddly I want toast and eggs now. Fried - not boiled.
You’re so good. So good.
DrinkThemIn chapter 13 . 8/22/2019
Hahahaha. Could you have eaten the evidence? I’m not sure I could’ve. Second helping of potatoes, please!
DrinkThemIn chapter 11 . 8/8/2019
So much yes.

Hands up if you've ever counted down the minutes to bed time.

Hands up if you've ever spoon fed a 3 year old so that they atleast had something in them.

Last night I rummaged through the toy bin for a new bath toy - bought myself 30 minutes of lazy on the couch. ;)

Mmm some things never change even in 100 years.
DrinkThemIn chapter 10 . 8/8/2019
I've become delinquent and I'm sorry. The long weekend was spent busy (the best kind of busy) and then the last two days were spent trying to hammer out my chapter.

I am so glad you delved into paternal grief at the loss of the twins. Similar to Gilbert, Jerry has the role of being the leader and therapist. Who helps him during his own turmoil? Personal conversations with God are not the same as needing support from the community.

I spent so much of my life in the church and even considered church work as a career as a kid...I never knew how pastors were selecting passages for their sermons week after week. It makes sense to have it provided. Interpreting them in new fresh and relatable ways would be so much work - I'm happy to see Nan begin to resume her sounding board role.

The cat was a good idea - although again being from the farm I think of cats as outdoor creatures that eat rat poison and I am more of a dog person myself. ;) My Truvy knows all of my otherwise unspoken problems.
DrinkThemIn chapter 9 . 8/2/2019
Beautiful conversation between Anne and Gilbert. The weight of a doctor in the family is the weight of the world, I'd guess.

I enjoyed the conversation between Una and Bruce, too. I have a much younger brother whom I used to mother a bit as well. He's older now and hates me for it, lol.
DrinkThemIn chapter 8 . 8/2/2019
Ahhh - deadpan comedic gold.
A civilzed tete a tete with the cat murdering a rabbit.

I enjoyed it!
DrinkThemIn chapter 6 . 8/1/2019
Oh...not again. Oh my God. I cried.
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