Reviews for Feel Again
TutorGirlml chapter 6 . 10/27/2014
I can't believe I haven't reviewed this already! I have honestly returned and read it more than once, but somehow I must have never posted a review. I'm truly sorry about it, because this is such a good Neverland chaptered fic, and you deserve to hear what a great job you did writing it! You had a lot of really neat ideas within this as the plot unspooled, especially with Emma being taken (and how you included the hollowed tree headquarters from J.M. Barrie's original Peter Pan) and then Hook removing his shadow to make the rescue possible. I love how she comes to him in the end, unable to put off being with him any longer. Lovely, lovely work! :)
Guest chapter 6 . 2/17/2014
cyn chapter 6 . 2/15/2014
great! please keep writing.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
excellent so far!
swishandflickwit chapter 6 . 1/24/2014
Haha since you aren't a fan of unevenness I'll even out the reviews, making this your 120th review, yaaaaay for you! Anyway I just want to say I love the song Feel Again so I just had to read this and of course I'd love this fic as much as the song (and pretty much all your fics) which is pretty damn much soooo thank you for writing this wonderful piece of prose because it has brought me great joy and happiness throughout the parts of the my day where I had a chance to read it. :D :D
swishandflickwit chapter 4 . 1/24/2014
TashaRose chapter 6 . 1/10/2014
I'm happy how everything worked out in the end. {Smiles}
TashaRose chapter 2 . 1/10/2014
Another excellent chapter. {Smiles} I like the plot of this one ... or the back plot as it were behind our Emma and Hook. I liked seeing her not be as "harsh" with him, even if it is only when others don't see. I find it amusing that she's just "waiting" for someone to ask her about her "Bruise". Love it.
TashaRose chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
Very good. Nice writing!
Pengu2510 chapter 6 . 12/21/2013
Thank you so much for writing this! I wish I could have read it while it was an active story, but all the same it was lovely (:
yhim817 chapter 2 . 12/4/2013
Loving the way you have Emma wanting people to ask questions, but then not really. Oh and the feels of good :)
yhim817 chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
Oh my goodness...that beautifully written! Ugh, if only this was the way it would happen :P
HistoryISculture chapter 6 . 11/21/2013
I love this fic!
maryplak chapter 1 . 11/21/2013
How can this be incredibly hot from the first chapter?!
3fan974992 chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
please, continue )
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