Reviews for Taking the Silver
arizona-dreams chapter 12 . 5/17/2019
Gods, bless this story. Saving me during these hard times, GoT finale upon us, Braime destroyed and character arcs ruined. This fic is like a safety blanket honestly. Thank you!
Guest chapter 33 . 2/6/2019
Last updated in 2016?! NOOOO please not let this be the end! This story is amazing!
Guest chapter 19 . 9/26/2018
Oh my god so adorable. I always thought Loras and Brienne should be friends.
Joy Bertolini Moreto chapter 33 . 3/29/2018
Please... by the 7 new and old gods. continue this fanfic. She is my favorite for the longest time. I already read it 8 times. please continue . You're my favorite Braime fanfiction writer.
MangoSunbeams chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
I'm super scared to start when I see it hasn't been updated in a while, but this is the first long j/b story I've seen with such an interesting plot idea. Please don't give up on it, long stories are few and in between for them!
CathyM4 chapter 33 . 7/7/2017
Brilliant story - I hope you continue it. I'm looking forward to reading how the dragon training goes and if Jaime will warm up to Rhaegal (that will be a surprise to Dany!) Also Tyrion's visit to Tysha - is it really her or a nefarious plot!
Barbysr chapter 33 . 9/1/2016
It's a great story! Please keep going
Sn0wMercy chapter 33 . 7/1/2016
Hope brienne becomes a dragon rider! Please continue!
MisCarrie chapter 33 . 6/28/2016
It's so good! I've been following this story for quite awhile and I'm DYING to read the rest of it! Thank you for writing this! It could be 500 chapters and I'd read every last one... Maybe twice I hope to see more soon, you're an amazing writer!
SixMagnitudeGirl chapter 33 . 6/15/2016
I wonder what Daenarys whispered to Cersei? I hope Dany kills Cersei. I think Tyrion and Dany are cute together :3 update soon
SixMagnitudeGirl chapter 29 . 6/15/2016
I am so obssessed with your fanfiction! :) I do hope that you update soon. To tell you the truth reading unfinished stories really gives me the chill but I really love yiur stories and coukdn't resist not reading this one. Update soon
SixMagnitudeGirl chapter 11 . 6/13/2016
I wonder why Tyrion likes being with Cersei... Is it just me or Tyrion was the one who did all that ballad fiasco? I wish Pod could make an appearance :3
ninglight1 chapter 33 . 6/9/2016
So happy that you posted another part. It is one of my favorite stories and I feared that you would no Ionger work on it. Thanks
avidprof chapter 32 . 7/29/2015
I love this story. There aren't enough jamie x brienne ones. Certainly not of decent length. I'm really intrigued to know what happens to Cersei and how Dany reacts to the news of brienne and jamie being betrothed. I hope you write more soon! I have decided devoured these chapters so far in only a few days
ekida chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
Oops! Please ignore My previous comment, im sure i sounded like an ass, i dunno why i thought the fic was marked as complete, i surely got confused since i've been reading a couple of fics at the same time... gah, im such an idiot... im sorry 'bout that! TT-TT
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