Reviews for TH Gathering
Skyrere chapter 17 . 1/21
I about lost my shit when my favorite curse words from Farscape came out of Thanduil...
*****Thranduil screamed like a little Hobbit girl.*****
I had to visit the bathroom before I could continue after this line.
Almost woke my husband.
Skyrere chapter 16 . 1/21
hahahahha... oh my god... I adore you.
this has been so fun to read.
Skyrere chapter 15 . 1/21
hehehe... this has been so fun to read. I love the scooby doo shenanigans.
Skyrere chapter 13 . 1/21
this is just great.
it keeps going from somber, sad, to ridiculous funny.
I love it.
well done.
Skyrere chapter 12 . 1/21
Skyrere chapter 11 . 1/21
awww... poor malthaire... He needs to be part of Bilbo's harem.
Skyrere chapter 6 . 1/21
It totally makes sense that you wrote bilbo in that way. What do WE know of Hobbit romance. LOL
Well done.
Skyrere chapter 5 . 1/21
my god that conversation was epic hobbit. XD
I can't stop laughing.
Skyrere chapter 4 . 1/20
hahaha... the aftermath conversation was great. XD
well done on the whole thing.
Skyrere chapter 2 . 1/20
what do I THINK?
I love that Galad, Cel, and El are watching their shenanigans, drinking wine and eating cheese, and following the trio around like it is reality tv...
I am wheezing from the barrage of humor.
This is awesome!
scrumptiousinternetllama chapter 17 . 8/16/2015
I read this a while ago and I've noticed that there haven't been any updates for a while. Is the story finished?
The Cajun Phoenix chapter 17 . 8/13/2015
Thranduil is completely in character when he struts around and is so annoyed that Elrond's attendants adon't even notice he's there. And Thorin is the only one who is more than a match for him, especially in the mind games department.

*clucks tongue in approval over the sight of Thranduil being spanked with a crown and the mithril leash because he looks so adorable with his bottom spanked a pretty shade of red*

*mouth watering over how Thranduil will be able to breathe and go down on Thorin underwater*

FYI, I don't think Thranduil would ever speak Orc or Black Speech because he's already been scarred by dragon-fire and he hates Orcs too. So he's probably swearing in Sindarin, or Elvish, though Quenya is also Elvish.

I like how Thorin just manages to hold it together for Bilbo's sake since he's still livid at Thranduil for nearly ruining his relationship with Bilbo.

As for Thranduil's threats of open warfare over anything between Thorin and Legolas, somebody needs to remind Thranduil that Thingol was another Elvenking who also tried to flex his superiority to the Dwarves over a necklace and that didn't go well for Thingol or for Doriath.

Here's to the Muse as I count down the weeks before "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies"'s Extended Edition is ready for watching.
The Cajun Phoenix chapter 16 . 7/8/2015
You perfectly nailed Tauriel's resentment toward Thranduil when she overhears Thorin really laying it to Thranduil. Tauriel knows she and Legolas will never be a couple because Thranduil is so possessive and is basically Thorin writ Elven. Just don't ask Thranduil to ever admit to being Thorin writ Elven, though, since he would only deny it.

Saruman is such a self-important Wizard when he snaps at Kili after he gets a gobletful of wine splashed all over him.

I like how Kili and Tauriel continue their bantering after they consummate their relationship since their bantering and their mischievous ways are part of who they are. And the lovers passing by Bard and Elrond near the pond is a nice touch as well.
a-mild-looking-sky chapter 17 . 7/4/2015
Oh wow, Thrandy has got himself into a mess now xD I loved this Thorinduil chapter, I'm such a sucker for it! And I loved your vain, arrogant Thranduil strutting through the halls as well hehe!
a-mild-looking-sky chapter 16 . 7/3/2015
Well I don't ship this pairing but I really like your interpretation of it! You made both of the characters really interesting - I always enjoy fanfiction versions of Tauriel more than the movie one! The paragraph about her punching the last man to serenade her was so funny xD great chapter (and I look forward to more Thranduil and Thorin naughtiness haha!)
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