Reviews for Baby Boy
Skovko chapter 38 . 12/8/2018
Cool story.
Ambrollins89 chapter 38 . 5/9/2017
This story was so good, I loved it.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/10/2017
Best chapter ever
ladyknj chapter 38 . 3/12/2017
I know I'm late reading this story, but I wanted to wait and give one review at the end. I absolutely loved this story. I loved how the characters evolved and developed throughout. Also, I loved how they had their own relationship issues like any normal one, though theirs was far from normal, lol. Yes Seth was a brat, but I love how he just eased his way into, first, Roman's heart, though he thought he was straight lol, then eventually Dean's. This liking eventually led Roman to noticing his feelings for Dean. They really did owe their relationship to Seth, the spoiled brat who always got his way. Overall, I really enjoyed this story, but I would love to know what became of poor Drew. Dean really did unintentionally break his heart choosing Seth and Roman over him.
Guest chapter 38 . 2/26/2017
I realize when tge story was written, but I recently came upon it and read it. I absolutely loved it. It was the perfect story of the love and the brotherhood Roman, Dean and Seth share. I so loved Sethie as an adorable brat who always gets his way. (Of course, I think that's a little bit of the real Seth! ) Love the homage to the Shield at the end of Chapter 37 and the ending of Chapter 38 at Moxley's was perfect. Don't know if you are still writing, but if you are, you definitely have a new fan!
Guest chapter 24 . 1/10/2017
Yeah like I said before roman nearly beats dean to death and crawls over to seth kissing his but yeah ok where's the ambreigns in this again
Kangaroo Myrii chapter 26 . 9/11/2016
I hope Drew didn't inflict any self-harm, it would probably devastate me.
Kangaroo Myrii chapter 10 . 9/9/2016
I hope Dean finally relizes Drew is the man he really NEEDS!
Mrs.rollins86 chapter 2 . 9/2/2016
Amazing story that in just now reading
SuperFangirl88 chapter 38 . 8/22/2016
I am absolutely 100% headoverheels in love with this story. Once you start reading you just cant stop. Officially one of my top 10 stories here. Thank you. :)
Guest chapter 2 . 7/30/2016
I've just read 2 chapters and I have already loved the story. Thumbs up
leeexiij chapter 38 . 6/9/2016
this story is one of the best I've ever read! I wish it could go on forever!
Guest chapter 38 . 5/21/2016
I am addicted to your writing. Great job, loved it from the beginning. Let me say that your idea worked perfectly. It is a great loveable story without too much drama (thats what we got Sethie for, right?) but just the right amount of tension. Something you want to read and enjoy during vacation. Also in the end everybody is in love with little brat Seth, this worked, too. I just loved it!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/16/2016
I love this selfish little brat Sethie. Rude, selfish and greedy - and with those puppy dog eyes the guys cannot resist. Well, who could? Not knowing yet how the story ends I hope (I know :-) ) that everybody will end up happily - with Seth hopefully having become a little more mature (on the other hand: Do we really want that ;-) ?)
takers dark lover chapter 38 . 5/11/2016
Let me just say I came late to reading your stuff but I am very glad that I found you.
This story was fantastic loved it. And yes I even loved bratty Seth and love him as much as Roman & Dean do.
I didn't leave a review for every chapter because I was reading it as one long story. So just so this as a X38 review.
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