Reviews for Potter and Black: The Order of the Phoenix
Serenity10116 chapter 30 . 4/4
It doesn’t matter how many times I read it but I cry every single time. Wonderful And Amazing Book.
madxmaddie chapter 30 . 9/28/2019
Just finished binging book 5 and I love what you’ve done with her character. I shook with her anger and cried with her pain. I wish you could have saved Sirius but I see why you couldn’t I just really hope she does get to kill her instead of molly in book 7 and don’t feel uncertain about the grey lady scene I’m glad you put it in that way it can maybe tie in book 7 and you did get the message across Dumbledore needed to own up to his part in the way things unfold because of his need for secrecy. Ok so I’m about to start binging book 6 and (I may have taken a sneak peek) I really hope you update soon since I know there’s only 1 chapter left in that book *fingers crossed* Keep up the great work :D
madxmaddie chapter 5 . 9/25/2019
Love this series and been binge rereading since it’s been so long and I know your reediting. You’ve made a lot of simple mistakes that wouldn’t come through spell check since it’s technically right just not what you meant in context. Simple mistakes that a simple but slow and thorough reread won’t fix. But I wanted to point out that when you were describing her animagus appearance you said her beak but since she’s not a bird it would be her snout. As for her using magic that’s correct especially since thats spell isn’t OWL level they wouldn’t expect a student to cast it. Also since they’re at grimmauld which is unplottable and protected by the fidelus charm they wouldn’t even be able to detect it or them in the first place. Again love your story hopefully you’ll be done with the 6th year edit once I get there so I can just binge the whole way through
Kushka chapter 30 . 4/4/2019
Great story
ShortHappens chapter 30 . 2/12/2019
Hiiiiii, sorry I vanished on reviewing for a few months, honestly I was avoiding out of fear of my feelings towards the last few chapters and hot damn, you nailed it..I’ve cried an insane amount, thanks for stabbing my heart gonna go read P&B :GOF now
zikashigaku chapter 30 . 12/29/2018
I spent three days re-reading all the books rewritten and I LOVED them! I’m looking forward to the 6th and 7th books too. I have so many feels for Harry and Arabella, I just want them to be happy!
Guest chapter 30 . 12/15/2018
Love the chapter and he changes, just love it! Poor Harry needs love!... Quick question though, will you be changing anything else of their future like the epilogue or are you mainly staying within the main story. I know that you’ve changed relationships between characters to fit better, but will Andromeda/ Harry animosity stay the same or change?
SurvivorTierEXO chapter 30 . 12/16/2018
I so love this remake. Your skills have definitely improved over the last time you’ve posted this before rewriting. I hope Harry Potter will suffer just as much as Arabella is later on, as I feel they need to understand each other completely. It’s just in my opinion though, but keep it up. I shall wait and see what happens in the next book.
Camille785 chapter 30 . 12/15/2018
I love this series!
HPuni101 chapter 30 . 12/15/2018
Sad ending. Poor Arabella. Looking forward to more.
Serenity10116 chapter 29 . 12/11/2018
Please Update Soon I Just Love Your Story
Serenity10116 chapter 28 . 12/11/2018
Sirius Death Makes Me Cry Everytime Please Update Soon
Serenity10116 chapter 27 . 12/11/2018
Great Chapter Please Update Soon
Serenity10116 chapter 26 . 12/11/2018
I Love It !
Serenity10116 chapter 25 . 12/11/2018
Love It!
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