Reviews for Dancing With Tears in My Eyes
Kimberleyar1990 chapter 15 . 12/3/2018
Please continue!
Ms.allea chapter 15 . 11/5/2016
Noah is going to protect Rachel but who will protect Noah?
alexa chapter 15 . 11/1/2016
At least they got to make it official before things went to hell. This can't end well...
CrazyCaz chapter 15 . 10/31/2016
Oooooooooooh! Just when they were happy, their lives turn upside down :(
McCrary1995 chapter 14 . 3/2/2016
I am still loving this story you should make Rachel pregnant
alexa chapter 14 . 2/28/2016
Oh no! Just when they think it's safe to enjoy their happiness. . . Wham!
Whatever happens this can't end well.
Ms.allea chapter 14 . 2/26/2016
Even if I knew the Quarter Quell was coming it is still a shock. Rachel and Puck are so well together but they have to go through all this once more
tlyxor1 chapter 13 . 3/31/2015
Will you involve other characters from the HG fandom? e.g. Finnick, JOhannah, Peeta and Katniss?

Enjoyed, looking forward to more. -t.
liv chapter 13 . 3/17/2015
love it!
puckleberry4lyf chapter 13 . 3/17/2015
So thrilled Rachel is safe and now they can be together, though I get the feeling it won't be that way for long.
puckleberry4ever chapter 13 . 3/17/2015
so great.
mrs-emmett-cullenx3 chapter 13 . 3/17/2015
So glad Rachel got out of there and now they are together again.
Guest chapter 13 . 3/17/2015
yay so glad that rachel and puck are together again!
alexa chapter 13 . 3/8/2015
Great chapter! Happy that Rachel & Noah reunited and she's finally back home with her family again.
taylena4ever chapter 13 . 3/8/2015
Loved the chapter! Can't wait for the next chapter and keep up the good work! :)
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