Reviews for Quidditch House Rivals
CrazyShipper101 chapter 21 . 6/15
Wow, the entire story was AMAZING! I definitely would have read your sequel if you have ever actually made one, though I’m quite content with the little “almost-one-shot” at the end of the story. It was so cute and so fitting of Arthur tbh. This doc took me a while to finish, but every second was worth it! I loved their romance and the classic chemistry they have between one another and I really liked your idea of using fem!Canada. She was a nice addition to the story. SPOILER DONT READ IF YOU HAVE READ FIClol, so was fem!Iggy for those chapters where she did show up) Keep up the great work; I love your fics btw!
Yusakin chapter 4 . 4/7
Okay I have to ask; why you like to kill Matthew so much?! What has that little angel done to have that kind of fade?!
Iridescent Moonflower chapter 21 . 8/7/2019
Oh, nvm. I guess the whole Kiku thing was explained last chapter. I loved this story, especially with the whole house-flip thing since it's rare that Alfred's not in Gryffindor. And the two of them are just so cute together. If you HAD been planning to write a sequel, I definitely would have read it!
Iridescent Moonflower chapter 19 . 8/7/2019
Ohhhhh, so Kiku is the Kitsune the groundskeeper showed them first year and the one who owed Arthur a favor after he freed him and all the other animals at the end of first year! Nice. Out of curiosity, can he talk and just not choose to or is he mute?
multishipping chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
all hail zeplerfer, usuk royalty lmao
Allstarall chapter 21 . 6/14/2018
A nice story with a good plot line and no extreme drama. People aren’t too OC. There’s lotsa references to other AUs and hetalia characters, a big plus. It stays true to the HP world, but though it’s a really small part of the story, I’m miffed that Alfred said he was from Salem, a Women’s Organization. Not a school nor for males. But that’s okay, since Ivermorny wasn’t introduced and the thing wasn’t clear till at least 2015.
Guest chapter 21 . 12/14/2017
This was simply great! Hippy April Fool's!
Neko the Queen of Donuts chapter 17 . 6/16/2017
I used the name Kiku for an OC once (I made it Kikuko but I found it on a website of fem japan names)
Guest chapter 4 . 5/11/2017
In response to the last line of your authors note:
I didn't even think about that until you mentioned it and now I'm crying too... thanks dude
CodeVassie chapter 21 . 1/23/2017
Thank you for such an awesome read! It was fun and magical and I loved it all! And this little addition at the end was really cute too! Thank you!
alguien22792 chapter 20 . 12/4/2016
Awww I loved this! I can't believe I didn't read it sooner!
Kiyomi-16 chapter 19 . 11/23/2016
Best. Chapter. EVER.

I loved every single one of them, but this one so far is my favorite. The part in which Antonio receives the diploma and proclaims his freedom, it's just TOO DAMN PERFECT. Wished my graduation was as spectacular as this one, maybe I should had have said the line about freedom quietly for myself, but it's too late now.
Though I did send messages saying that I was a free elf so that counts as something xD.
Kiku being a kitsune wasn't a secret since the Ostara Ball, but he being the very same kitsune Arthur saved is a surprise... well, at least for me x'D.
Kiyomi-16 chapter 17 . 11/23/2016
I cant keep the fangirling noises(?) by now, I wanted you to know dkjandjni.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/14/2016
Yup. It's possible for one twin to be stillborn while the other is not. I, personally, was a triplet, but one was born stillborn so I ended up being a twin.
I didn't even know until I was twelve, when my parents told me casually over dinner.
Anyway, back on topic, this is a wonderful fusion fic and you really melded the two "worlds" quite well.
FreshlyDeadAccount chapter 19 . 5/26/2016
I knew it! Kiku was a Kitsune all along! Yas!
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