Reviews for Just a Job
Kunjo the valkyrie chapter 2 . 8/18/2018
I really really love this fic... i know it has been a long time but please please update
Schlydie chapter 2 . 6/28/2015
Oh no...I guess there won't be another update after nearly 2 years, right?! But non the less, I just want to say that the story is awesome so far and it would be even more so if you would continue it!
2509su chapter 2 . 8/7/2014
So.. its not over right? Please tell me its not. Its really nice
berie01 chapter 2 . 7/29/2014
Oh my god, please please please continue this story!
I SO love Erwin and Levi and you caught their characters so well!
I beg you to keep going, it's jsut awsome as hell!
(And please don't let Erwin die! Q_Q)
EienChuunibyou chapter 2 . 3/30/2014
AWEEESOMEEEE! I think both Erwin and Levi are very much in character, I can just imagine them XD
Guest chapter 2 . 3/29/2014
It's amazing please update another chapter
riika chapter 2 . 2/2/2014
YOU HAVE TO UPDATE! PLEASEEEEEE :( this story is great! I really love it
The Jai'Chan chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
I don't usually review but this is a great exception. This is fantastically wonderful. Please. Continue.
angleterre chapter 2 . 11/8/2013
Been reading and following your fanfics from AO3!
I love this fic so much you make Erwin looks very veryyyy handsome with all his unreadable minds! thank you for the masterpiece.
cant wait for the next
littlermermaid chapter 2 . 10/31/2013
this is soooooo great ! they're personalities are perfect ! please keep writing :'(
Wally chapter 2 . 10/20/2013
This fanfic is just ;-;
Its so good... I'm getting feels ughh
WhiteCourtain chapter 2 . 10/18/2013
Oh shit I- this is absolutely perfect. I love the style, the narrative, the characterization. And man did the ending of ch 2 riled me up wow. The smuts too, they are so hot help me freckled jesus! Nothing quite like reading an awesomely written fic with your otp. I adore that it is so 'mature' I don't mind clichés and fluffy things (at all) but I crave for this kind of behaviour with this pairing. I can't really explain it, but I really like how this fic turned out. And the direction it is possibly going.

Nice one with the story-line too. I didn't expect the breach of the Wall to happen here, nor Levi's way of thinking. I was expecting the same thing most backstory fics take up, Erwin on white horse rides in Levi shrugs 'meh ok lets go idc'. I don't mind that either(im a shipper i dont mind anything honestly i grab what i can) but different is original and original is good you get what im sayin.

Hmm what else? THE UNICORNS. I love this. May I have permission to refer to the MP like this too?! lol (no seriously its so cute)
The word use of the characters is pretty legit too, I like how Erwin isn't all that absolute perfect-politeness but a man who came in a brothel with a reason. No need to sugarcoat it. And then Levi isn't the usual smart-ass either, he is pretty chill but it's not too much, and he is losing it with Erwin anyway. AND THEY CUT INTO EACH OTHER YES. Some real-life conversation points. They have some nice 'talk-off' too with Levi trying to be cool and Erwin not taking any of his bullshit and parts where Levi just delivers the punch-line anyway. Cool.

There is also something I can't really put my finger on. The details. Like, the fic in itself isn't that detailed, no atmosphere setting, no furnitures nothing but the characters and the conversation.(this is not negative ok im making a point here) Nothing unneccessary. Just clean on focus, but then there are those little things like how things go in the business, the routine, extra for bruises, the fake name Eli,"enough to make him look up when called", the color schemes for whores who can't read, the boyfriend experience. And a lot of things but these really make it.

Oop welp. I got a little sucked in it but it was still fresh. The first chapter could actually stand as a one-shot, but I'm glad it is continued and I'm really into this now. It's Levi's thoughts at the end. I want to see now how and what he will or won't do. Or Erwin for that matter. Also Erwin was super IC just rushing away. Congrats *pushes a bag of hugs and kisses thru screen*
ariniad chapter 2 . 10/15/2013
You are incredible and I really adore you to make this story. :')

I love this so muuucccccccchhhhh
Lylia00 chapter 2 . 10/15/2013
Will Levi join the Scout Legion later? Because I really hope so. I really like the story and how Levi attracted to Erwin. Please keep continue
holdonbaby chapter 2 . 10/14/2013
This is so fucking good. Please write more. Like, it's so good that I am both in love with the yaoi and the story at the same time. I love how you write.
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