Reviews for Being Better
Arquan chapter 82 . 3/14/2019
Still one of my faves :)
Anon chapter 22 . 1/3/2019
LOL. I assumed HBIC was head bitch in charge.
Guest chapter 82 . 10/17/2018
I've read this story for the third our fourth time now and I've loved it every time. Very well done
El chapter 82 . 9/28/2018
Wow, that was quite a journey. Thank you for sharing this. Apart from how amazingly it was written, it was very inspirational. Loved the last song specially.
Guest chapter 82 . 9/22/2017
I fucking love this entire thing. The whole journey was fantastic. I'm so glad you went on for 82 chapters, I loved the ending. It felt very developed and wrapped up at the end. This was fantastic and I will definitely be reading it again
yanval chapter 82 . 10/7/2016
This is the second time around that ive read this and it does not be great and awesome, please write something more from glee your are an amazing writer...
T-Rex Ninja Kid chapter 82 . 8/12/2016
I really enjoyed this :) It's the 3rd GLEE story l've read and lm addicted. I've never really thought about what people in wheelchairs have to do. Or how they do some things.
I loved Quinn's proposal to Rachel :)
I did think after Quinn won all those golds that all the acting people she'd been turned down by would come knocking. But l like how she ended up writing and directing :) Their kids were great :)
Thanks for a great story :)
Guest chapter 82 . 8/9/2016
I love this fic. I love that it put Quinn in the forefront. I love that you dug deep into her character. Often times, writers delve so much deeper into Rachel and superficially describe Quinn's character. It was refreshing and exciting to read. It got tiring reading stories of the same "Rachel, Rachel, Rachel". Thanks for putting time into this.
RikkuKashi chapter 82 . 4/26/2016
I have been trying to finish this story for the better part of a year. I have had it saved as a bookmark and finally got time to read through it. Have to say I was not disappointed. I loved this story, the ups and the downs. Thank you for sharing this with us.
ttandme69 chapter 82 . 10/8/2015
Excellent story! I love the family you created and the characters you borrowed and created!

Where were the Berry grandpa's? Did Kurt and Blaine ever move from NY?

Thanks again, Lisa
ttandme69 chapter 61 . 10/7/2015
OMG I am sitting at my desk and crying while at work! The song was just too much! Excellent! bravo for this chapter! Lisa
C chapter 82 . 5/30/2015
ugh. that was perfect. my heart hurts.
Phoenix2013 chapter 82 . 4/28/2015
Congratulations on that epic work! Oh I loved that story,the way Quinn and Rachel's love developed, how their friendships grew and even though sometimes there were such large distances between them, they never stopped being close to each other and their friends. It shows that even though there are challenges in life - sometimes bigger ones than you think you can handle - if you stay true to yourself (and others), if you take one step and one day at a time, you can manage.

This was definitely one of the best stories I have ever read and I'm sure I will read it again one day. I loved the ending. It was nice to see how their lives developed and what happened with their children. It was also nice to see some history repeating with Quinn walking down the aisle, just like she did at her own wedding. Oh, and Beth and Mia having the same dad was a great idea! Puck must be so proud! :-)

Thanks for writing and sharing this wonderful inspiring story!
Meg chapter 82 . 3/29/2015
Oh my gosh, this has been my favorite story to read. My palms would sweat and I would get butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw your update. You portrayed everyone so well, it was an incredible journey. Thank you for writing this, everything was done so well.
GuestN chapter 82 . 3/28/2015
Beautiful! Looking forward to your next fic :)
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