Reviews for Bad Tempered
PrincessPears chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
This was so fucking hot.

More like this please!
Skye chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
sweetkiwi604 chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Love it!
PartyhardDrunkard chapter 1 . 12/9/2013
Woah, this was HOT. I loved it!
anonymous-alice13 chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
So hot
Alva Starr chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
Did not seem dub-con at all to me. Seemed like a couple playing their games- you know best part of fighting is making up. Loved it. Very hot, well written Daryl smut. Thanks for this ;0
anwoaf chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
I don't see how this is dubcon. still some very fine smut you have here.
Valerie E. Mackin chapter 1 . 10/4/2013
I'll say he does. Yowza.
sunsphereshots chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
"...pissed off Daryl made for very fine fucking on occasion."

That last line fucking killed. This was amazing. Short and to the damn point, and I loved it. All of the little Daryl details were perfect. Your angry Daryl sex is hotter than hell, and now I need to go have a cigarette. Lol (:
DeDe324 chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
You are the greatest ever.

I clearly have a thing for angry men. That seems to be my go to prompt for people. But this delivered everything I wanted and more. Daryl was written deliciously. I loved the little nuances you had that seemed so Daryl. Especially the like regarding the mat. I could just picture that running through Daryl's mind. *giggle*

I love the little details you managed to throw in. The pink panties, the above mentioned $ General mat, his balls flirting with the lace... You packed such a punch in just over a thousand words. Yessssss.

You seemed to write Daryl fucking exactly how I'd picture it. Rough and just taking what he wants. I feel like Daryl is a hard one to get a hold on (hehe) when it comes to his personality. I think I said to you once before that sometimes I'm not even sure Norman Reedus is 100% sure of what/who Daryl is. He's always developing and is a truly dynamic character. But the way you had the established relationship and the OFC really seemed to work for me (and let's be real, if it works for me, that's all that matters, haha, jk).

I really like that you touched on that their 'fight' had to do with Merle. I think that's also really true to Daryl's character. It makes so much sense and I can just picture it perfectly. Especially if little miss is getting sassy. Only so much Daryl can do about it until they're alone. *wiggles brows*

**She loved this shit almost more than he did he swore***
This is probably my favorite line from the whole thing. Not sure why, but it just resonated. And who wouldn't like Daryl just taking control like that? Mmmmmmm... Love how he won't let her touch herself and just controlled the whole thing, no matter how much she tried to fight/resist it (in a consensual way of course... he isn't Red Canyon Mac, haha).

All in all... this was just hot and perfect and I want more however you can give it. Feel free to give me more dirty angry man sex to make me feel better. Always helps. :-D

ilyiliyilyiliyilyiliyilyiliyilyiliyilyiliyilyiliyi lyiliyilyiliyilyiliyilyiliyilyiliy
NanamiNihilia chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
Well holy shit that was hot!
Hunters grrll chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
Hot and smutty! But your little detailing from the pink panties, the doormat, balls brushing the lace, fists balled up - adds so much depth to the story ! Always enjoy your stories.
Emilayah777 chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
Whew I need a cold shower after that! Great job!
mrsreedus69 chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
Yeah - that definitely made my day way better too! Thanks!