Reviews for What Defines A Monster
The austerely idiotic CRITIC chapter 51 . 11/27/2017
It's 2017 but DANG! Please Update! I've been waiting for a year and a half already. Please... Please update! I love this story so much!
AnonymousNavi chapter 1 . 1/7/2017
Wikked Grin chapter 51 . 8/10/2016
I just read 51 chapters within the week, or perhaps, less. Still, I find this story amazing! Please continue it! I really want to see it to the end, and I hope so badly for a happy ending, but I find that hard to see right now. It is terrifying, and I hope to one day write villains equal to or greater than. Definitely following.
Wikked Grin chapter 33 . 8/9/2016
I dunno if this is finished yet, so I'm following. Dr. Jekkyl was awesome! Best twist ever! Also, you are an amazing writer! For a while there, I thought Johnny was going insane, and I still think one of them, mostly Johnny, is going to die at the end, but I love this.
Wikked Grin chapter 6 . 8/8/2016
I like these kind of chapters
Pp62912 chapter 51 . 5/12/2016
This story has been a roller coaster ride of awesome thrills! When I first read it, I couldn't stop. I was sad there were no updates for a while. But when you added a new chapter, I had to go back and re-read it. It was even better the second time reading. And your last chapter... WOW! I cannot wait to read more. Keep up the great work!
havroth chapter 51 . 5/10/2016
First I want to thank you for making this story. I took all weekend to read it. I really enjoyed how you tie other folktales into the story. I think the IT is super interesting. The best oc i have seen yet.
The story is a little too dark for me. You probbably planned it that way. Just a lot of hopelessness. I hope that makes sense.
Some of the other interesting things i liked was mavis the radio active vampire, marcus the not quite helsing, the helmetted easterbunny. Keep it up
callmemavy chapter 51 . 4/29/2016
I'm sooooo happy to see a new chapter! There is a lot of time from the last one, but it's worth the wait, nice chapter!
floodmaster16 chapter 51 . 4/16/2016
I'm late for reviewing, it's becoming a bad trend.

Okay, this was interesting. We knew It was a cold-hearted bastard, so no surprise he would have Old Lady killed. However, the whole thing with Old Lady's plan was kinda disturbing. The way she rationalizes it feels like the same way an evil person would defend his actions. Then again, people do a lot of questionable stuff when You-know-what hits the fan.

Is it normal to feel like everyone is conspiring in their own way against Mavis and Johnathan? Their luck has been pretty bad throughout the story.

Anyways, glad you updated, in fact, I was thinking about this a few weeks ago, and wanted to read something new, almost like you time your updates to fit around our wishes. Hope you are doing well and you have more wonderful ideas to turn into chapters.
heyo chapter 28 . 4/12/2016
married!? Woohoo! This story is awsome
WatchMeSoar chapter 51 . 4/6/2016
I read this entire thing in one sitting.

Seriously, this is by far one of the best fanfics in any genre I've ever read. You have somehow successfully managed to mature the characters to fit the situation while keeping their necessary character elements that make them who they are, and the plot and continuity are brilliant.

There are so many things that can happen from this point, and I kind of feel anxiety for how things are going to play out.

I feel like I should have more to say, but honestly right now I'm still kind of recovering. I can't wait for more!
Forgotsurname chapter 51 . 4/5/2016! Just wow. I had forgotten what your writing was like.
Heavy, tense turnaround in this chapter. While I'm sad to see such an end to Lady and her children, I am interested to see how Mavis comes back from all of it. Or not.
Great job, as always! And wb!
Krazyfanfiction1 chapter 51 . 4/5/2016
BRILLIANT as always
well worth the wait
and this our dark tale continues
AwwwCoffee-No chapter 50 . 3/10/2016
Hey there, I'd just really like to say that this is an amazing story, perhaps my favourite on this site. I was just wondering if perhaps you were planning on adding more soon? I would really appreciate it.
Desired88 chapter 50 . 12/12/2015
Hey this story is awesome. I'm just hoping it doesn't end there cause I'm not exactly sure what's going on.
I really liked the Peter pan twist. Never would have thought of that.
Keep up the good work and please update soon
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