Reviews for Tea for Two
Kukladoll89 chapter 1 . 5/28/2018
I miss Anna and Bates so much . they're so happy here! their best time!
Skeeter0003 chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
Every time I rewatch DA and see that rocking chair this story will come to mind! Lol...I loved Banna in the early seasons they were so cute fun and bad Fellows didn't get em back to that in the end yet fanfic stories like this are beautiful and fulfilling of them
fuzzydream archive chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
I can't believe I never reviewed this! I must have read this a thousand times. Can I just say how lovely this is? I just love S3-early S4 A/B. They always seemed to be in that early marriage days, even after years. And you portray this so well here, how they tease each other, how *racy* things become... The whole thing is just perfect, and ugh, hot! I'll never be able to think of Mr Bates in the rocking chair without thinking of this story, I swear. Brilliant as usual!
Sheps888 chapter 1 . 10/22/2013
Loved it! Thank you!
LibbyKateandAC chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Oh my, that was hot!the thoughts that will be running through my mind when I see him in the rocker:)
Handy-for-the-bus chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Oh damn! That was hot!
I loved it D
My racy babies being and racy and racy haha That rocking chair...I'll never look at it without a naughty thought.
TestShip chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Absolutely loved this! I will never be able to look at that chair without thinking of your story. Hopefully we'll have more A/B scenes in the next episode of DA, on screen that is. :)
JamesLuver chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
Dying over this. So, so good! A very, very nice piece to start my birthday off with! :) Thank you so much.

I can barely formulate words about how this makes me feel. So much goodness and perfection! Anyway, I'll try. The time period was wonderful. I really enjoyed all the episode one references you slipped in here - makes me like them more because of the A/B twist, especially John teasing Anna about a night on the town and having his turn. Just too cute! I loved the way that you built the tension up throughout the whole piece, with the little touches and the teasing and the lingering looks...ugh. Oh, and Anna's appreciation of John rocking just slightly in that chair? Hot. We all know it.

The image of them squashing themselves into the chair together is as sweet as it is hot, and it's nice that they're able to do that after being apart for so long - it's a lovely contrast to the segregation of prison (which I know isn't mentioned here but it still made me think it). John's concern over Anna was beautiful too. As if he'd be any different with her.

The rest of it was HOT. You know that you can write this kind of thing so well, so never say you can't again. The way they rocked into each other. The way John was so meticulous about touching her, and the way that she wanted to touch him many beautiful descriptions. You always write their intimacy with a tenderness and beauty that I love. Their love for each other is just so apparent in every word.

I would definitely say that this is better than drinking a cup of tea. Quite clearly this is canon behind the scenes of the first episode, and no one can tell me differently. ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/28/2013
Not even close to awful! HOT! I loved it. I love all of your writing, you are my favorite! This is the worst time of year to be American, so these stories are great to get us thru the draught til January! I hope you keep going with Anything Could Happen too, that's my all time fav! Thanks, you're great!
im-yours-for-life chapter 1 . 9/28/2013
Wow, and we thought them kissing in the Servant's Hall was racy! This was incredible! Wow. I will never look at that rocking chair in the same way again! Great job, as always!