Reviews for A New Beginning
lontanissima chapter 28 . 11/29/2013
I like that they rosplved they problems talking. Very mature way! Sharon being persistend is lovely. Rusty's gesture is unique. It feels so good to read it. As always great work!
lontanissima chapter 27 . 11/28/2013
hahahah! Poor Drew Von hahaha but sorry not sorry at all! :) good they are talking! still intense but very interesting!
lontanissima chapter 26 . 11/28/2013
oh my... this fragility of Sharon is overwhelming, very difficult to deal with. New aspect of Captain Sharon Raydor hidden form the world. I like your Sharon. a lot...
lontanissima chapter 25 . 11/28/2013
so much did happened! the case, very frenetic, Drew (still not sure why the guy is poping out just like that, but I love it, it makes me wonder) and then all this romance and roses and at the end the crises! How do you do that? You fitt everything in one plate and it goes smoothly! great!
lontanissima chapter 24 . 11/28/2013
Together! this is perfect you know! from the beginning: the teasing of Rusty and "making out part" through the blow job on the shower and constant reassuring of themselves and of course Provenza and him missing calls! oh so sweet!
another great chapter, I cant give my suggestions cause is all complete. but enjoying every words from it!
lontanissima chapter 23 . 11/28/2013
You made perfect Provenza in this chapter, every things he said was very funny! the strawberry game was appealing and sensual, I enjoyed it a lot!
good Sharon and Andy released they tension! it was driving me crazy too!
as always perfect!
lontanissima chapter 22 . 11/28/2013
thank you for fluffy! I needed fluffy! this is so sweet! oh... I'm in fangirl heaven :) as alwasys great chapter!
lontanissima chapter 21 . 11/28/2013
breath taking! oh glad is all over! you can write! I dont know how to even express. is like dope haha! great job!
lontanissima chapter 20 . 11/28/2013
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! this is OMG too much! great! so much adrenaline and is tense! I love it! you got me!
lontanissima chapter 19 . 11/28/2013
so intense! I cant breath! there is so much going on! I'm so glad I can already read next chapter because I might die in here! very good!
lontanissima chapter 18 . 11/28/2013
this is so intense OMG this case and Flynn so involve... I think it will be big troble. But again you build and set the chapter and new story in perfect way! I love how you do it :) good job!
lontanissima chapter 17 . 11/28/2013
and now we are talking! I'm glad is all so well balanced, they are having an honest conversations and we can have all sense of emotions and feeling! keep them talking!
lontanissima chapter 16 . 11/28/2013
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww! so much love! the romance is so nice! Sharon is opening up to the world and Andy! so cute!
lontanissima chapter 15 . 11/28/2013
another great and light chapter with sarcasm and teasing and little bit of a happy endings! this is so perfect!
lontanissima chapter 14 . 11/28/2013
after that tough case is good to had a light chapter where everyone it seams relaxed! it make me relax a little too! Andy is so sweet! :) love it!
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