Reviews for NfaN, Book 5: Shadowland
romagen chapter 85 . 10/17/2017
The battle between Venomous Lloyd and the ninja has finally begun!

I hope that one day, even after all the time spent away from this book, Kiari will find the unfinished ending and complete it.
xSparklyDiamond chapter 85 . 10/5/2017
u said u will finish this D:
Guest chapter 85 . 6/29/2016
I just gotta say, these stories are really done well. When I first read them I had gotten into Bastille, now whenever I hear one of their songs it brings me back to these. And I do enjoy remembering them :)
StoriesAreMagic chapter 85 . 7/12/2015
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? HOW HAD I NOT READ THIS YET? FORGIVE ME! And as for Eternal Finale, you do whatever you need to do, I'm sticking with you.
'It looked like a bleak chance.' Oooooh. Right in the heart. Especially when coming from Jay.
The 'Near Apocalypse', holy crap.
'She sucks.' So very helpful, Rikku, thanks a lot.
Damon! Cyrus! Rikku! *crosses fingers so they'll be okay*
The safehouse is still okay, so that much is okay. Plus Jaya reunion is the cutest.
Another way! Hallelujah!
'Go, ninja. Go.' Why don't you just stab me in face, it would hurt less than these feels.
Pixal calling Cyrus her best friend is perfect. And Zane's thought process is on point!
I was listening to music while I read (because I saw the new chapter and basically went straight into it without regarding what I was supposed to be doing) and just as the ninja got to Ninjago City and saw the dark and light dragons (say that five times fast), 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy came on. It seemed very fitting.
'Ahem.' And then 'Ahem, again.' Cole is a dork child.
"It really was a moment where Cole reflected back on how far they'd all come, their journeys dividing into separate paths that always came to a crossing point no matter what part of the road or day in life they were at; looking at Zane always reminded Cole of just how far they'd come, probably because Zane himself was a walking reminder of time and how it had an uncanny ability to either drown someone or help them live." Excuse me, I think I may have just DIED OF FEELINGS.
Oh my goodness, Yuki and Noel. 'It wasn't the right moment, he knew, it wasn't the best time—confronting a cocky demon with stale insults could wait until some other day when there wasn't Armageddon waiting to drop in.' That's their whole relationship right there.
'She won't love you like this, you know.' Duuuuude. Low blow.
"Every time she looks at you, it's all I see. She won't even look at me for two seconds, but you, on the other hand, have the full throttle of her attention—and it's pissing me off." Aaaaand Noel sends the pain right back. Dang.
'Let's roll, boys and Pixal.' I can just see Cole going "boys!" And then catching himself a minute later and adding "...and Pixal.'
'Jump. You can trust me. I will catch you.' I ship it so much.
'Here were his friends, three of the four people he held his heart out for no matter how much they had drifted from him, coming together for another mission to save their other stray friend. To be honest, which Zane usually was, he was very happy to be with them again despite the circumstances. He had lost connections with them that he'd hoped he'd be able to keep forever, yet this had brought them all closer together. Looks like all those wishes he made on stars had come true, even if Rikku always said that was a silly tale that parents said to babies. When he got up to the tower to save him, he'd also rub it in his face. Politely, of course.' THIS WHOLE THING ASDFGHJKL;. And add to that 'Good luck, brothers.'
'Is something the matter? I detect an abnormal spike in your heart rate—'
'I am fine! I am just anxious to see if Cyrus and the others are alright.' Pfft. My dumb adorable babies in love.
'I was terrified. I am terrified of losing you, Zane. Do you know how mean it is of you to do that to me?' 'You lost me once already. You will never lose me again, brother.' I AM A MESS.
'It wasn't that bad.' 'Shut up, Cole, you're not better than me.' I don't know why that's so funny, maybe because this has been such a tough, tense chapter, but I'm crying of laughter.
'Was it the definite sound of destruction or the 'I'm a Dork' signal beaming out of Lloyd's head?' Both? Both. Both is good.
Oh my goodness. Bulk and Iron Guy.
I said it already, but it bears repeating. SHADOW DANCERS.
'Sexist pig.' There's my girl.
'Got any last words as a villain, Lloyd? I could've sworn we snapped you out of it when you were ten, but it looks like you're having a relapse.' 'Nothing we can't handle. It was never hard to snap you out of your explosive tantrums.' No comment, just goodness.
'Let the games begin.' Yes. Yes yes yesssss.
Firelce chapter 85 . 5/23/2015
Gah! So, so many references! There was what? Four or more?!
I remember why I love this series so much! You're such an amazing writer!
Aghhh! So AMAZING! I love your work! *wishes she could favorite these stories all over again*

I'm sorry that this isn't what it used to be for you. I thank you for struggling on for your readers. :)

ABCSKW123-IX chapter 85 . 5/17/2015
Aahhh, I've been waiting for this! I'm so glad it's here!
I completely understand how you feel, don't worry. I'm impressed you even have the patience to finish Shadowland!
HailsStorm chapter 85 . 5/17/2015
NO SHIKEYS! The chapter is over! Cliff haaaaaanngeeer! To be honest tho, I laughed so hard at spots like "The Bulk" and "Iron Guy" and "saaaavioooorss!" XDDDD

Lloyd is super humorous when he's evil. That's the only part I like about it. Aside from that, you can already tell I'm super excited for the next chapter!
Gokan123 chapter 85 . 5/17/2015
ElementalDragonNinja chapter 85 . 5/17/2015
This is so amazing! Keep it up girl! :D
Gokan123 chapter 84 . 4/15/2015
Gokan123 chapter 83 . 4/14/2015
Time for an AWESOME Final Battle! GREAT CHAPTER!
Gokan123 chapter 82 . 4/14/2015
Kai, please don't cry... you're gonna make me cry... WHAAAAA! G-GREAT(sob)CHAPTER!
Gokan123 chapter 81 . 4/14/2015
I'm not gonna lie, I forgot about Nya for a little bit... But I remember now! GREAT CHAPTER!
Gokan123 chapter 80 . 4/14/2015
You've got to work on your lady skills Zane. GREAT CHAPTER!
Gokan123 chapter 79 . 4/14/2015
Noel is freaking awesome. GREAT CHAPTER!
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