Reviews for Fighting Fate
DannyPhantom619 chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
Nice story.

-Addie X Apollo
NaiomiHikari246 chapter 69 . 6/25/2016
This was AMAZING! All the ups and downs and emotions was wonderful, I love this so much. I can't wait to start reading the sequel! :D
LaughingLadybug chapter 28 . 6/11/2016
How do you even pronounce her name?
Guest chapter 71 . 11/16/2015
She's a Mary sue but she has a good chance if you erase her background and don't ship her with her cousin he's actually a jerk in the original mythology
JexyTheNobody chapter 36 . 10/12/2015
I completely love this story
Ginnylove12 chapter 32 . 8/21/2015
Yeah..Keep it PG-13
Ginnylove12 chapter 31 . 8/21/2015
:D :D :D :D _
Ginnylove12 chapter 6 . 8/20/2015
I Think mars liked her and was jelous :)
queendromeda chapter 31 . 7/31/2015
THEY KISSED! My heart cannot take it. Apollo and Addie sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Okay. I am somewhat calm. The fight with Heracles was excellent, I think it was well written and well thought out. I wish I could have seen Ares's reaction though, that must have been loud. I'm also worried about how Apollo and Addie's relationship will blow over if found out, since he's a god and she's a servant. Hopefully, Ares doesn't cause too much trouble. Her dream sequence was good, especially with the parallels between the two groups of seven, though I have to wonder how Apollo's knew prophecy will come into play.
queendromeda chapter 30 . 7/31/2015
I love this chapter for a lot of reasons. Annabeth and Percy are still there for Addie, still acting as her friends, which is lovely. I'm so happy that the trio stayed together. Percy's anger towards seeing Addie out there was realistic too. Apollo and Artemis teaming up and acting like siblings (something no fanfic does which irritates me to no end) to try to help Addie was awesome. Apollo losing it and slamming Ares into a wall, needs no explanation to describe how amazing that was honestly. I wish I could watch that over and over again. And now, my favorite nerds get to confront their feelings, and the important talk about fears is happening. Exciting stuff. I have to say, that I'm worried for Addie, though I hope she knocks Heracles down a peg.
queendromeda chapter 29 . 7/31/2015
I want to scream. On the bright side I'm slightly calmer now than I was at the beginning of the chapter. Deimos sounds like a jerk, and if Addie was ordered not to fight him, but has to face him in the games, I'd be worried. At least the ever mentioned Urban made an appearance, it's a good thing too because without him Addie wouldn't stand a chance. I hope that after this first fight, she'll find a way out, but knowing her (lack of) luck that probably wont happen. I wonder how Apollo's going to handle this, he did try to help her with the potion but, there's not much else he can do I think.
queendromeda chapter 28 . 7/31/2015
Wonderful chapter! Addie is so vulnerable right now, and probably terribly confused as to how Apollo knew her fears (though Percy did help). I wonder where Apollo went, because if he was there, and was able to order her to take a vacation, then Ares wouldn't have had time to come in and be dick (pardon me). I just want to punch him in the face. Multiple times. He's such a sadist, getting pleasure out of forcing her into this. I can't wait to see Apollo and Percy's reaction to her competing. It's horrible.
queendromeda chapter 27 . 7/31/2015
Apollo POV is great, especially since it contrasts so differently to Percy and Addie's. I like the scene with the fates, and how they help him and insult him, it seemed like something that three old ladies would do. By far, my favorite part was the one with Phobos. Apollo was scary there, and I could easily see how he could be scarier than Ares. Percy was as good as ever, and like Apollo said, his big mouth is sometimes a good thing. I'm so happy that Addie's going to be okay, though I can't see her reacting well to the fact that someone knows all her fears.
queendromeda chapter 26 . 7/31/2015
Apollo's POV was lovely. He's such a sap that I can't even, and people actually think he's suave. His view on immortality was very well written, I think, and it made a lot of sense. Poor Addie. I wonder if any of the other gods just ignore that she's around like Apollo used too, I assume so judging the fact that most of the gods don't seem to care. I can't say I was surprised to see how Ares abused his control, but it's disgusting all the same. And to contemplate suicide. I suppose if Apollo didn't come out that she could have done it easily, but now she can't with the order on her. Great chapter!
queendromeda chapter 25 . 7/31/2015
Annabeth is the queen, thank god for her. The part with Atropos was funny enough to balance out the situation, and ADDIE LIVES. That was a huge relief for me. Ares will probably be a problem for Percy later, and I wonder if anyone else in the throne room felt the parallel's between Orion and Addie, and Percy and Addie. Poseidon and Percy were able to clear their chests a little, but I assume things will be messy for a while. Four hours of healing, though. Addie was put through hell, and the bite is still impossible to heal (though I have a suspicion that our favorite sun god will heal it eventually).
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