Reviews for Deep Thoughts
ISupportFanFicWriters chapter 1 . 5/22
I enjoyed This train of thought.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
Yes, they’re interdependent; a good state to be in.
Tlcatlady chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
:) I liked that. TLC
Daddys little crazy bitch chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
Awww love it
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
A short but simple story !

The Crimson Mage.
KitElizaKing chapter 1 . 9/20/2013
Very cute and fluffy. It made me grin. Yes, those two would be very interdependent on each other. LOL
YenGirl chapter 1 . 9/19/2013
Oh, you have done it again, Ree... made it the most natural thing in the world for Harry and Severus to be a couple. *deep and happy sigh*

I may not have been able to smelll The 3 Broomsticks atmosphere or taste the Butterbeer... but I could feel the warmth of the crackling fire at Spinner's End, I could smell the old books on the shelves and the one in Severus' hands *that's because she has her nose stuck to its spine despite a deathly dark glare* and I could feel the warmth when Harry returned and had that tiny, sweet dialog with his man. *another happy sigh* No one else needs to know they are together. Except us. *grins*

You got Ron right - one will never get rid of Molly Weasley and despite her youngest son's bravado, he doesn't really want to. But it's also good for Hermione so that she won't have to coddle Ron (since that job's taken), she can just love him!

I like the little snippets of conversation interlaced with Harry's quiet thoughts... there's such a sense of quiet contentment in his thoughts. Not smug or proud... just content that he has someone to be interdependent with even without the 'L' word.

But we know it is there somewhere... right, Sev? *grins at Severus who ignores her thanks to the distraction of a smiling Harry carefully settling on his lap*

Such a lovely thing to read on a cloudy morning...