Reviews for Choices
Ms.GrahamCracker chapter 12 . 9/27/2013
Loved that moment - that instant Don stopped being the victim and became Special Agent Don Eppes once again. Bravo! It had to be humbling to realize his physical condition kept him from trying to escape. Sitting in the chair instead of the bed may have reminded him of his true status, but it also provided that small touch of defiance and rebellion he needed at that moment.

The phone call was too short and way too emotional, but then in Don's physical and emotional condition it is no surprise. Loved the way you wrote Charlie and his realization that David had kept vital information from them. Nice touch.

I feel safe thinking Nelson will indeed release Don, and I really hate to see this story end, but I guess it has to be. See you again tomorrow
CD57 chapter 12 . 9/27/2013
well, stockholm's syndrome has got nothing on Don, lol.

good for him, btw. no need to feel symphatatic for the nelsons family, they brought it on them selves.

so glad you are continuing this nelson saga. i went back, re reading the first two stories, before starting this one... and wow this one is topping it off just oh so lovely!

no symphaty but still thankful for paul, for keeping don alive.

thans for writing this wonderful treat... cant wait for don to get back to his own family...
serenity3695 chapter 12 . 9/27/2013
Is that right ,Nelson will let him go? Don has every right to be angry at Nelson . I just hope Nelson really will do it and nothing goes wrong in the mean time .
Evelyna1 chapter 12 . 9/27/2013
So this is winding to a close... will that really go smoothly?
Brothers2008 chapter 11 . 9/26/2013
EMOTIONAL ! So many emotions running through this chapter ! I was yelling at the computer screen, "NO, Paul, don't go back inside, help Don, your dad is going to kill him !" I'm sure that I now know what the beginning stages of an actual heart attack feels like !
Am shocked that Nelson actually came to his senses, he'd let Don's words sink in, and realized that He, himself, is responsible for Brad's death, because he brought Don to Brad. When Don told Nelson that if he killed him, that would make him a murderer like Brad...I was just, OMG !
Don pleading with Paul, to let him call his family and let them know that he is alive, and Paul letting him make the call to his Dad... OMG, I can't wait for the next chapter ! Please tell me we get to read that conversation and that Don gets to speak to Charlie too ! You are a fantastic author ! Please keep up the wonderful work ! You've drawn us all into a story that reads like an episode of NUMB3RS, and we can't wait to see and feel what comes next ! Thanks for this story ! :)
Brothers2008 chapter 10 . 9/26/2013
OMG ! I thought Nelson was going to kill Don for sure ! Don told Nelson he was sorry and that he didn't want to kill Brad, but Nelson has gone off the deep end and if it wasn't for Paul coming to his rescue...I'm sure Nelson would have killed Don right there and then !
THEN, Nelson calling David back and telling David that he knows Brad is dead... WOW ! When Nelson confirmed that all the other blood at the scene was Don's, I felt my heart break at how that must have made David & Colby feel, thinking Don is dead. Then, I would have gotten angry too, at the thought that Nelson has Don's dead body and won't return it so that Don's family could have some closure...Dang emotions are all over the place with this chapter, and I LOVE IT !
I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, when Don got to speak and let David know that he was actually alive ! I sure hope that Paul stays close to Don, to keep his dad away and continue to care for and keep Don alive !
When are we going to involve Don's family ? I mean, Charlie should be able to help locate his big brother, and David should tell Alan that they've heard from Don and that he is still alive ! David doesn't have to tell Alan & Charlie how bad Don is injured, but he could give them a little bit of hope that they might be getting close to getting Don back. More Please ! Can't wait til the next chapter !
Brothers2008 chapter 9 . 9/26/2013
You are such a fantastic author !
First, the description of the crime scene, what with David and Colby there to see all the blood loss from the now missing victim... I could just see their hopes being dashed at ever getting Don back, now that Brad is dead !
Second, I am sooooo glad that Paul is there to help Don ! I could actually feel Don's pain, or at least the thought of it, when Paul was applying pressure to his wounds. Funny, all I could think was, how much better it would be for Don if he'd just pass out !
But having Nelson stare at Don all the time & refuse to help Paul care for him, I hope Nelson isn't just keeping Don alive, just to kill him for his son's death. But it seems if Nelson were going to kill Don out of revenge, wouldn't he have done it at the scene where hi son died ? Wonder what Nelson really has planned for my favorite FBI Agent ?
Can't wait for the next chapter ! Please keep up the great work !
Ms.GrahamCracker chapter 11 . 9/26/2013
Wow. You know how to hit the emotions, don't you? Don ... the sunrise ... a day he wouldn't live to see ... waiting for the end ... In His Boxers! Again - Wow. And yea for Paul for giving him the phone to call Alan. I hope Nelson understands and doesn't lose it again. I hope we get to hear that conversation.

Great chapter - see you again tomorrow.
nessy22 chapter 11 . 9/26/2013
Ahmmm...I suppose, I just feel like Don. I'm all mixed up and just can't get out the words.- I'm speechless! -What can I say? It is one of the best parts I ever read!
You write in a way, it seems so real! You played completely with my emotions. Please have my biggest compliments for that!-Just wonderful!
Evelyna1 chapter 11 . 9/26/2013
Well, it's a step in the right direction... I'm almost afraid to believe it...
Cissyaliza chapter 11 . 9/26/2013
Nelson seems recover his sense. But why does he keep Don more? Now he needs no more him. Fortunatly Paul is here. Don can speak to his father. It's time for him to go back near his family.
LeeMarieJack chapter 11 . 9/26/2013
I like the way your writing pulls the reader into the emotional life of the characters, making them more alive. the last lines about Don calling his father were very convincing.
serenity3695 chapter 11 . 9/26/2013
Waking up to Nelson standing right beside him is way creepier than him just staring . I think that with his near death experience with Nelson forcing him outside is bound to give him a few grey hair . Anyways, I'm glad Nelson seems to have returned to his good senses but you can never know what's going through that man's head and what would trigger another insane murderous state . But more importantly , Don is talking to his father. Alan and Don moments are one of my favorites so I'm really excited to read next chapter.
nessy22 chapter 10 . 9/25/2013
This chapter was very creepy. Those stares of Nelson! And Don's friends thinking him dead. Loved the detail of the white knuckles. It was very effective. The whole conversation, actually. There was an atmosphere, in there! Just incredible!
At the moment, I don't know what to think about Nelson. What is he capable to do? Gosh, I just don't have a good feeling! How long will Paul be able to keep up in protecting Don?
The story has a good rythm. It creates emotions which go under the skin.
LeeMarieJack chapter 10 . 9/25/2013
This stand off sure is stretching out. If we keep it up Epps is going to get weaker and weaker as Nelson becomes more and more mentally disturbed. The son should step in and end this.
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