Reviews for Always an Alpha
Guest chapter 29 . 3/12/2019
Can’t wait for the next chapter
Luv the fanfic
Guest chapter 22 . 3/11/2019
I have this love hate relationship with Derek
Guest chapter 6 . 3/10/2019
This was a plot twist. Peter you son of a bastard
Cleoru Misumi chapter 21 . 8/10/2017
You know? I'm pretty sure, the correct form is Rubén. - é
a.g.randolph chapter 29 . 7/31/2015
I love stories like yours that take the time to flesh out a believable plot, environment and characters so fully. I will admit the draw for me was pydia, but I really enjoyed when you switched up pov; you captured Chris and Sheriff Stilinski really well. I'm very happy I was able to read even half of this great fanfiction. I sincerely hope you are able to get back to continuing soon, but I understand that life gets in the way sometimes.
Wind Spirt chapter 29 . 7/15/2015
I really enjoy your story I know it has been a long time but I would love for you to finish it!
Miss. WriteMe chapter 28 . 7/15/2015
Is there going to be any updating with this ever? It's a really great story, everyone's in character, the plot is good, you have some really good ocs. I've never read something like this before. It's my favorite teen wolf fiic. I would love for it to be updated and continued.
Miss. WriteMe chapter 29 . 3/27/2015
When will you update this? So far the chapters are really long, but the story is very good and different from most fan fiction. So keep up the good work!
Miss. WriteMe chapter 5 . 3/22/2015
So far I love this story!
Fanfiction19 chapter 29 . 11/17/2014
When are you going to UPDATE this? Great story so far, loves it.
NBHD-DMND chapter 29 . 11/1/2014
Omg, please update soon! You are like the only pydia chance i have right now and i need more! I've been waiting for like almost 2 freaking months! Update soon or else... ( i don't actually have a threat soo...)
crazypuglover101 chapter 24 . 10/12/2014
Please more Pydia but great story love it so far
Fanfiction19 chapter 27 . 8/15/2014
Hey when are you going to update? I really like the Lydia/peter thing you got going on here ;)
Fanfiction19 chapter 23 . 8/13/2014
I really like yoon.

I'm really confused about the whole witch thing talked about in this chapter... If anyone could help out with that please.
ceceliaFalkner chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
I don't think my last message showed my user name it's Cat-dog98 I've never done this before so I don't know
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