Reviews for Hogwarts Beware!
Irina Hunter chapter 24 . 6/20
It was only after Voldemort gained control of the Ministry that attending Hogwarts was mandatory.
Irina Hunter chapter 21 . 6/20
America isn't a thousand years old. Saint Augustine, Florida-the oldest city in America-was founded by the Spanish in 1565, and America delcared independence in 1776, making America either 433 years old or 217 years old depending on whether you count his age from when the first American city was founded or when America became independent.
Irina Hunter chapter 16 . 6/20
Obama wasn't President during the HP books; George H. W. Bush (SS/PS and CoS) and Bill Clinton (PoA, GoF, OotP, HBP, and DH [except the epilogue]) were.
Irina Hunter chapter 13 . 6/20
The Republic of Ireland is NOT that country's offfiical name, as their Consitution clearly states that "The name of the State is Éire, or, in the English language, Ireland". The Republic of Ireland is the country's legal description.
Irina Hunter chapter 5 . 6/20
The Sorting Hat doesn't repeat its songs.
Sakuragane San chapter 14 . 11/18/2018
Yay! PruCan!
Sakuragane San chapter 5 . 11/18/2018
I’m guessing those from Hogwarts have no idea why all the ‘transfer students’ are freaking out about the food, while Mr Kirkland is trying very hard not to blow a fuse.
AquaEclipse chapter 21 . 10/21/2018
I couldn't stop laughing. Poor Harry…sorry, man, I'm out of Brain Bleach and my suppliers just aren't willing to sell me any more. ;-(
2nd chapter I read in detail (first being Ch20). Insta-fave, hun. Epic, and I didn't even start at the beginning.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/19/2018
Was it his bird? Hungry? Some past leader? Austria?
AliceCullen3 chapter 29 . 10/25/2017
AphNorgay chapter 10 . 10/2/2017
I know it was probably a joke about the Halloween coming from Korea but me being me I had to say that. I am also reayou Irish and love pointing out that Halloween is from Ireland.
AphNorgay chapter 10 . 10/2/2017
Actually, Halloween originated in Ireland. It was called Samhain (sa-win) and it was a Gaelic festival at the end of the harvest season. At this time the boundary between this world and the Otherworld was at its weakest and Aos Sí(fairies and spirits) could travel here easily. The people set out offerings for the Aos Sí so they and their livestock could get through winter. They had their own kind of trick or treating. And then of course, the CHURCH came and declared it All Hallow's Eve because they can't leave the pagans alone.
History of Halloween kinda sorta told by ME
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY chapter 9 . 7/17/2017
I'm gonna guess the picture was of Austria, Hungary, France, or Spain.
YukiOwO chapter 9 . 11/26/2015
I'm only up to chapter 6...bit lemme guess who's in the picture that gilbert is's his bird right?
Guest chapter 21 . 11/2/2015
*spits out tea*
*dies from laughter*
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