Reviews for Harry Potter and the Other Path
kauthreader chapter 38 . 7/18
I'm on ch38, and gotta say, fumbles is really pissing me off lmao. hope it gets better cuz I think I'll have to mentally kill him in a chapter or two lol
montanoaries9 chapter 1 . 7/3
trash, basically another naive potter and for the record he lives on the street for three years but doesn't learn a thing about it he's practically too naive to be able to live in the streets he's too out of character for it
Fairy King Oberon chapter 41 . 5/30
unfortunately, as much as I loved the start of this fic, it just got too dark too fast. don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to really really dark fics, but when I read years one through four and it's all pranks and backtalk and lighthearted cockiness, before it comes to year five and it goes from dark level 2 to dark level 11 in the course of a single chapter and then stays that way, it's like ice water to the face. I will probably come back to it eventually, but for now I'm moving on
Fairy King Oberon chapter 33 . 5/30
"We are Harry Potterhis good right hands"

and one must die at the hand of the other
for neither can live while the other survives
Fairy King Oberon chapter 25 . 5/29
the fake is crouch
PainedPage chapter 60 . 5/24
THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME! I hated it, I loved it, I hated it some more, I loved it some more, it was amazing, I just couldn't stop reading. Love, love, love!
TyTheHistoryGuy chapter 1 . 3/10











wolfzmasterz chapter 60 . 2/27
Wow this is an amazing story, I am really glad that you posted it from where it was originally posted. So many twists and turns nothing being what you expect but in the end being exactly what should happen. Amazing.
Kyle chapter 16 . 1/7
Is this U torrent or Bit Torrent?
Kyle chapter 12 . 1/7
Snakes. I hate snakes. LOL. This is way better then the canon version though I am not sure why this is in the muggle technology section.
Kyle chapter 11 . 1/7
Dumbledore's answer is the reason we have mass shootings. Bad guys don't read Gun Free Zone signs. Well actually they read it as guns are free! OH BOY!

Unlike Bloomberg (the most liberal source outside of CNN which most repost) the real stats show that gun free zones have the most violence and homicides. Also more people die by baseball bats then guns.

Dumbledore doesn't get if you don't defend yourself you will leave yourself open further down the road as a puppy to be kicked. We have 2nd amendment laws for a reason which you and your lefties (that are dying in numbers though China has plans to import 40 million illegal ones in for 2020 election meddling both volunteer and paid by an anonymous company).

Their are people WAY higher then the President or UN that want to control us.
Kyle chapter 5 . 1/6
At this point the chapters should be renamed? What does this have to do with roofs?
Kyle chapter 4 . 1/6
Okay other then a few scenes what's different here? It's funny6 the left think they are all being funny and unique but act like The Borg and when you catch on they lose their shit.
Pythea chapter 60 . 10/19/2019
One of my top 3 fanfics HP ever. Fantastic actions scenes, great HP/OC, Snape was very well done, love the version of Harry in this story (whether it makes sense or not for a homeless kid)... angst, comedy, mystery, romance, action... Great story. Sure the wrting wasn't perfect, but it is a fanfiction. Really love this story and I recommend it.

(btw if anyone reading this agrees and can recommend any similar stories by pm, that would be greatly appreciated!)
Chyllen chapter 3 . 9/29/2019
Seems interesting to read .
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