Reviews for Yours Ever
yvettemayanives chapter 4 . 6/15/2019
This storyis great! I love it so much ;;
IrisTurner chapter 2 . 1/11/2019
J'aime beaucoup cette histoire il y en a peu avec Alone-Hades/Tenma, je suis vraiment impatiente de découvrir la suite de ton histoire à bientôt j'espère.
Arata chapter 10 . 12/12/2018
HubrisP chapter 10 . 7/12/2018
Excellent work. This story is a small treat, it is a shame it is on hiatus. It is a common pairing, but so rare to find good work written about it. Nonetheless, keep up the excellent work with all your stories.

On a final note, would you be interested in working on a project with me?
Sky chapter 3 . 6/19/2018
Hey there!
I remember how much I liked this chapter. I never - like never ever ever - enjoyed one single TLC scene with Yato and Yuzuriha. They're basically Tenma's sidekicks and not much more than this. Here, you managed to give them a great development and a complex character. I especially liked Yato's monologue over Tenma's body. It feels so real and very riveting, I can sense all his anguish and even later, after Hades gets there to retrieve Tenma. I also like how you portray Sasha, which displays strength over grief even if she's so young and so close to Tenma.
Compliments dear
Delialinley chapter 10 . 6/17/2018
Very good!I love this story. It's been a long time to find the story pegasus join hades. love it. please continue! what hades will win the war? sorry english not my language but I want to review!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/3/2018
Here I am again :D
I loved Alone's point of view here. I can very well see that he's no longer the sweet, caring kid he had been back in the Orphanage, and almost thinks of himself as if he actually was Hades. I particularly love how the engraving on the pentagram is the title of the story :3 I don't know why, probably because it's incredibly fitting for everything.
I also like how Tenma recalls his training with Dohko and Shion - it's a simple but effective way to show that he has emotional ties with the two golden saints, especially by the fact that Libra laughed "that one time", as if the first memory of Tenma about him, is that of Dohko laughing. It's a sweet image of companionship, and gives realism to the picture!

okay then, I'm off to my errands but I will be back soon, tomorrow or even later if I can
see you soon

Sky chapter 1 . 6/3/2018
Well, here I am to have a re-read of this awesome story
I missed it as I missed you, and I remembered it to be awesome - it is in fact, it's easy to tell just by the prologue!
These two kids have a deep affection towards each other, even if Alone's mind has clearly been influenced by the events... a broken promise (and a broken heart) can do a lot of damage to a delicate spirit which was that of young Alone, all by himself and having his family taken away from him. First his sister, then his best friend. Tenma, on the contrary, is of pure spirit and adamantine, but I can very well picture him not wanting to leave his friend again.
So, awesome Prologue and I'm off to read the second chapter!

emillyn.figueiredo.5 chapter 9 . 3/19/2018
Please continue the story she is excellent please continue
Bloody Rose chapter 4 . 2/11/2018
My fav part:
The newly arrived Gold Saint then gave his spectator a small, mocking smile, "Or will you go back as a loser, Specter?"

Albafica sooooooo cool! I always smile when I read this!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/16/2018
Omg im in love with fic please update soon
Guest chapter 10 . 1/12/2018
Nice! Be sure to go slower. It seems sort of rushed. Tenma's personality is well written out but focus on personality development for other characters.
emillyn.figueiredo.5 chapter 10 . 1/11/2018
Continue please
Vanessa WalkerPhantomhiveKanda chapter 10 . 11/11/2017
Yey!~ new chapter~
Thats awesome, I really like Albafica so this chapter is really lovely.
What about a meeting between Tenma, Hades and Albafica?
Hope everything in your live is well
See ya in the next chapter
NinaKaitoConan chapter 10 . 11/10/2017
Wow I Love It!

I Hope There Will Be More!
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