Reviews for Losing Makoto
ChimChim'sJacket chapter 34 . 8/18/2017
Lol. TAKKKAOOOOO ️️ midorima takaoo. Shookt hahaha
TybaltxX chapter 38 . 1/10/2016
This is so great. But what upsets me a bit is the fact that makoto would actually CHOOSE BETWEEN haru and rin. It just doesnt play fair in haru's part for me. I mean, 'cmon there has always been haru in makoto's life and vice versa.
But yeah, i liked the angst too, this story wont be an angsty story without that plot anyway. XD
teshichan chapter 39 . 8/23/2015
Aaaanddd DONE! My eyes hurt but it was worth it! I loved every chapter and the ending was awesome! Great job on the fic. I am so favorite-ing this!
teshichan chapter 36 . 8/23/2015
I've been reading this story the whole day... and this chapter just BROKE ME! Darn it! Reality hitting Haru hard was just... waaaaaahhhhhh! :'( tears were waiting to fall!

I wonder who Makoto will choose... on to the next chapter! :-)
xMoonlightDarknessx chapter 39 . 5/6/2015
That was a really great story :) I enjoyed it so much. I hate the emotional roller coaster I went through since I started to ship Rin and Makoto a lot ;-; but I'm still happy Haru and Makoto ended up together! Thank you for this amazing fanfic! :D
xMoonlightDarknessx chapter 15 . 5/2/2015
Omg ;-; I'm loving this story so much! Haru needs to hurry up and confess and finally kiss Makoto like there's no tomorrow! Dx Makoto needs to also realize Haru's love! ;-; I like the whole MakoxRin thing though o.o
Guest chapter 25 . 4/26/2014
i want to see the show with the cats now
Guest chapter 15 . 4/26/2014
sharknado is super epic
JayMeh chapter 3 . 4/5/2014
I like the story concept.
The dialogue is a bit choppy, and when you put Makotos letter to Rin, it was really confusing as to what text was the letter and what was not.
And occasionally when your describing things, you tend to use the same words over and over again in the same paragraph, making it very repetitive and boring.

I think because of the repetitonThe story seems rushed and doesnt really take time to develop, just really choppy.

And the usage of the word 'rape' when Rin describes having his way with Makoto is unpleasant...

Again, I really like the concept of the story, but it really needs to be a bit more refined. Structure wise, it just jumps from scene to scene without a smooth transition or gap.
Guest chapter 39 . 3/31/2014
I don't know if this would be fun to write or not. But maybe you could do a little one shot where Makoto doesn't exist (like in this story) and tell it from one of the other characters perspectives and somehow they all meet or something!

Any way I loved this story so much! It was so good and I really liked your writing style! The research you did for each chapter was amazing and I am so happy I found this fic!
NotQuiteNerdy chapter 36 . 3/29/2014

Seriously though good job!
NotQuiteNerdy chapter 35 . 3/29/2014
NotQuiteNerdy chapter 29 . 3/29/2014
Personally I do ship RinTori but I can see why people don't and I do ship MakoRin as well. I really liked that you included Nitori because he is important to Rin! He's always looking out for Rin and making sure he's okay (in his awkward Nitori way). I really liked the background you gave Nitori as well and it really adds to his character and like you I think it explains why he really looks up to Rin.

I also really liked that you didn't keep Rin in self pity for to long (though Rin tears are beautiful :) ), but your choice to make him keep all of his emotions and problems to himself was really smart. In a way it kind of reminds me of Makoto and I think, even if it wasn't intentional, it was kind of cool to see that some aspects of Makoto were affecting and changing Rin!

NotQuiteNerdy chapter 28 . 3/29/2014
Again the research you do is amazing! I really like what you've done with Rin in this story! Great chapter!
NotQuiteNerdy chapter 24 . 3/27/2014
Sorry I haven't reviewed... at all so far... I am a new reader and I just wanted to finally review before I leave the house.


It is so touching the way you portray Makoto and all the ways that he thinks he is flawed. You kept them all really in character and it is wonderful to read!

I almost cry at some parts where at others I start laughing uncontrollably. I really like your text conversations! I also liked how you portrayed the love triangle in the story. It started out just being Makoharu, and as a makoharu shipper I loved it, and then I started to get all sad when Makoto had to leave and kept thinking "I'm not going to like this MakoRin. BUT YOU MADE ME LIKE IT!

Like to the point where I didn't want Haru to come back and ruin it. and then Haru is back and I love him and I hate him AND THE FEELS!

I love that you made Makoto the center of the love triangle to! In a lot of the fics I have read Makoto and Rin are competing over Haru's love and Haru is the one ignoring both of them.

I can't believe how much research you do for these chapters! It's really awesome that you make so many references to the material.

Thank you so much for the story! I promise to write some more reviews!
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