Reviews for Supply and Demand
DemonicAngel5972 chapter 39 . 5/20/2019
Nooooo. I need the to know if Ryou walks again.
But I love the story, and saving this to reread later.
Guest chapter 39 . 8/22/2018
Thank you for this emotional; story. Hope you have a nice day.
gaarasgirl389 chapter 39 . 3/20/2017
A freaking cliffhanger at the end. . . Nooooo! And what happened to Kiseki and Kaigo? What about Ryou's father?
gaarasgirl389 chapter 35 . 3/20/2017
Are Kiseki and Kaigo from another manga? I don't remember them in Yu-Gi-Oh
gaarasgirl389 chapter 14 . 3/20/2017
Whoa, that escalated quickly!
flowerlover12 chapter 28 . 6/4/2016
You ...killed ...her?... (crying) How could you? ( Crying even more)
flowerlover12 chapter 18 . 6/3/2016
Ok never miss I know the answer now.



flowerlover12 chapter 17 . 6/3/2016
What did Ryou give him?
PS. The story ix amazing! When do Ryou and Bakura have their moment?



KCRose17 chapter 39 . 1/2/2016
That is not an ending. It is the leading moment to an ending. Why did you do that to such a good story? I liked where it was going but you have to give just a little more for the ending to really work as an ending to this type of story. Too many things can be asked. Well Ryou really be able to walk? Will Ryou and Bakura become a pair? What is going to happen to Malik mine? What about Yugi and Yami? What did Mr. Bakura have to say about Ryou staying in Japan? What about that one Doctor what happens to her? What road is everyone going to go down from here or could go down from this point on in there lives? I need some base info for all this and the ending lacks in every one of them on any real base info. I would like to see just a little more to this story's ending to have a better understanding because this just feels like it was dropped off in the middle of no where.
WildeChild17 chapter 39 . 11/14/2015
IM WITH BAKURA! THE STORY DOES NOT NEED TO END HERE! Please, please do a sequel! Im begging you! Like Pegasus escaping jail or something... Please do a sequel! This story is too good to not have one!
Guest chapter 39 . 7/8/2015
I agree with bakura. You made a cliffhanger. Not an ending. DO they get together? When does ryou finally walk again? Do the couples get married? CLIFFHANGER!
liberatedsociety chapter 39 . 5/18/2015
Are you planning to continue this or a sequel after this? I really like the story though and it was one of the stories that touched my heart, with the emotions that was in every contact the characters had made.
honeyflew chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
I was stubbornly not going to love on this fic because there weren't enough love scenes between Ryou and Bakura! And Cop Yami Bakura simply cracks me up, oh god-
But then I decided to put that aside and yep, this is 10/10 awesome! I loved it, one whole day of reading worth it! Heh heh, good job buddy
Amme Moto chapter 39 . 10/22/2014
Very impressive! For a story with quite a dark topic, you have handled this entire fic maturely and well. It was interesting and not traumatizing. You walked the line perfectly. Bravo!
Evil Red Thorn chapter 39 . 8/25/2014

Please make the sequel, I really like this story! Allow me to fav this please

Keep Writing, 'kay? I'll always support you!
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