Reviews for In Bloom
JamesLuver chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
This was so cute!

I loved the beginning, with John beginning to take note of all of the flowers because Anna loved them so, and him touching the petals and wondering if they were as soft as Anna's skin. Perfect imagery. And yay for reminiscing over the tray scene. I will love that forever, and I enjoyed getting John's thoughts and feelings on that particular moment. When I skipped to your A/N at the end and read the meaning of the lilacs, I just melted. Who cares if they are or aren't lilacs? The meaning of them is so perfect, so that's my new headcanon. And when he actually did get to kiss her, and found her skin to be much cute.

And her keeping the flowers pressed in her book made me melt and made my heart break at the same time. The idea of her thinking that they could be the only things that she ever had of him made me want to cry, but at the same time it was an incredibly sweet thing to do. Thank God he is with her now. And damn you for being so good at putting in contrasting moments like that in the space of a couple of sentences.

The poetic imagery of Anna entering the world was simply beautiful to read, and John's eagerness to spoil Anna on her previous birthday was just lovely. And yay for the presence of a baby! Still holding onto dying hopes for this. I liked the fact that you also addressed their feelings on how their lives were changing too. Of course they would be so excited about having a child together, but at the same time it really is a complete shift in lifestyle, especially for families in those days.

The image of Anna sitting there in her chair with her sewing was just lovely, and John fussing over her and reassuring her that he was beautiful made me smile so much. It's the domestic scene that we've been robbed of for so long now. John putting his hands on her stomach and talking to the baby, too cute for words, especially when he referred to it as her.

Anna admonishing him for getting her a birthday gift made me smile. She really should know her husband better by now. ;) And John's response to that was just brilliant.

John presenting the flowers to her was beautiful, and the thought that had gone into each one was lovely. They all fit so perfectly, they really couldn't have been better. Honestly, my favourite scene of the fanfic. Especially the celandine. "Joys to come", oh yes. It just encompasses every hope that they have for the future. Anna's reaction to them all was adorable too, and the kissing and the baby kissing...*sigh* It doesn't get much better than this.
Krystal Anime chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
I love fluffy stories like these. Happiness rules!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
Lovely... Thank you!
fuzzydream archive chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
Awwwww! Thank so much! You have no idea... I needed fluff so much after watching the trailer and you give me this! Great birthday present. Thanks so much!

I just love how the meaning of flowers means so much into their relationship, and how you created a great scenario with him remembering the times he gave her flowers... and Anna keeping them! Aww, too cute for words. This story cheered me up greatly, you have no idea. Everything about it screams John and Anna - the thoughtfulness and the love, aw - and they are just so well written. And the baby, kicking and already bringing so much joy in their lives. Awwww. I love it.

Thanks so much for a wonderful birthday present!
LibbyKateandAC chapter 1 . 8/31/2013
So lovely. I love the very soft sentimental side of bates
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2013
I loved this. And the connection of flowers to their meanings is so very Bates. I think it is very true to his character that he would know the private meaning of all his gifts to Anna. And I loved their interaction regarding her pregnancy. Imagining them in their cottage, feeling the baby just warms my heart. Wonderful fic.
Lourdes chapter 1 . 8/31/2013
Wonderful piece of writting.