Reviews for Sequel of Welcome to Wool's Orphanage
vampwolfs chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
please update
SasuNaru's Loyal Fangirl TDDUP chapter 12 . 2/4/2018
Still it's a pleasure reading your work. I did enjoy it
SasuNaru's Loyal Fangirl TDDUP chapter 12 . 2/4/2018
I'm sorry mate. I hate to say this, but I agree. This story is getting nowhere. On the plus side you started good. I like the things on the orphanage. But after that things just got messy and seemingly unorganize
SasuNaru's Loyal Fangirl TDDUP chapter 5 . 2/4/2018
When I saw the names, Tom and Harry together, it reminds me of Tom and Jerry almost instantly
cinthya chapter 12 . 5/14/2017
i understand until this chapter it fells like a lot of one shots, amazingly, funny one shots, i love it really... but i think hharry should reclaim his galleon or at least half of it.
cinthya chapter 6 . 5/14/2017
what the heck...sorry in this chapter i need answers, what with the parsel tongue?
Rose Hathaway Potter chapter 12 . 1/9/2017
OMG! The minions of Grindwald!
RRW chapter 12 . 1/9/2017
Well it looks like the beginning of Grindelwald in England. I expect that when Abe finds out who these people really are, Harry will get his wand back pronto.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/8/2017
The sudden time jump of the last chapter left me a bit perplexed, and honestly I can understand not remembering the details of theory after years, but an Auror who cannot perform a simple first year charm correctly is unbelievable. On another note, I like the relationship between Harry and Tom, though I would have liked to see it developing from when they were younger - the previous chapters. I know it's been a while since you last updated, but please consider writing more.
greenhairedwiz chapter 11 . 1/1/2017
Abandoned? Plz no
Observing Spectator chapter 11 . 11/19/2016
Please update
Guest chapter 11 . 11/7/2016
Loved this! Tom's adorable!
AmethystWind95 chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
If they are to be in the same year in Hogwarts, Tom would be older than Harry; he'd turn 12 in December of his 1st year (same case as Hermione who spent most of her 1st year as 12 year old because her birthday is on 19th September)
AmethystWind95 chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
If they are to be in the same year in Hogwarts, Tom would be older than Harry; he'd turn 12 in December of his 1st year (same case as Hermione who spent most of her 1st year as 12 year old because her birthday is on 19th September)
Padfoot'smyMan chapter 5 . 6/11/2016
I see that Tom has figured out that the Wizarding world has not made it out of the 18th century.
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