Reviews for Hybrid Dreams
Guest chapter 1 . 10/4
Are you going to continue this story? Is amazing, keep up the great job!
Weird Crack Shipper chapter 13 . 4/12
WAIT HOLD UP do they have birth control magic and pills or something? What if sherry gets pregnant?! I don’t remember every detail and I can’t be bothered rereading Rn but I’m gonna assume Jake shot it inside
Weird Crack Shipper chapter 14 . 4/10
You can totally take your time. Your life is number one on the priority list, much higher than the fan fiction. I’d also like to say that this story just keeps getting cooler and cooler! The deranged or mad tyrants sound awesome I wanna kill them sksjsoeem! The Sherry and Jake pairing is a huge bonus, I love them
Weird Crack Shipper chapter 10 . 4/9
Dang it I’m nearing the last chapter and I don’t want it to end
Weird Crack Shipper chapter 9 . 4/8
I wish I found this earlier you write suuuuper long but high quality chapters I love iiit
HanisNna chapter 1 . 1/25
Please continue this story, is amaziiing! :D
Mahmnoodnunu chapter 13 . 11/3/2019
I love this fanfic. I really hope you‘ll post the last chapters :(
LouiB chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
This is such a good and original story, hope it is continued
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
I enjoyed reading this story! Still love JS and hope you continue!
InuSBfan87 chapter 14 . 8/8/2017
I know it's been a very long time but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy this story. I love it. It is my favorite resident evil story and it stars my two favorite RE couples. I hope one day to see another chapter. Your work is just too good to waste. You are a talented writer.
Amaya chapter 14 . 9/19/2016
This is truly amazing. When starting your FanFiction I was hesitant. I tend not to read incomplete FanFictions. This is because I fear reading it and getting too engaged, only for it to never be completed. This is one of those FanFictions. It is really hard to find well-written and thought out FanFictions (or any story for that matter) that truly captures the reader. Each chapter had me more and more intrigued about what would happen next. I'm not sure if you have forgotten about this FanFiction or what is going on in your life right now. Either way, I hope that everything is well on your end. However, I also sincerely hope that you will not leave this piece of work unfinished.
alexiamarie chapter 14 . 6/15/2016
I would have loved to see more of this! To bad you stopped :(
HanisNna chapter 14 . 1/10/2016
Pleaseeeeee keep going with this story.:(
Its actually one of my favorites fanfics:)
Hope your doing ok:)
JPhae chapter 14 . 12/31/2015
I'm a hangin! :)
Guest chapter 14 . 5/26/2015
U really should continue this story it's amazing and I'm extremely addicted ...xx what should I do ? :s
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