Reviews for Intrigue
JeanyDeiXzz chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
Too bad its just a one shot. Would have made a nice long fic!
Doujin-Maker chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
What happened to his inquiry about his dischargment? The whole point in calling Sakura was just that - asking to leave, and they suddenly fall into a easy chat? And why that check-up the second Sakura entered? The nurse said Itachi had questions, not a worsening of his state. To add; Sakura asked Meiko about just that and Meiko answered positively. It doesn't make sense, there are loopholes.

It's well written, if not a little forced when it comes to descriptions. I like the idea and how you worked it out.
Sapphire Pen Master chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Sneaky, Itachi. Is there going to be a sequel.
Plsdeletethisprofile chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
I really like it :)
It's very well written and I like that by using different groups of word one can recognise quite easily from wich point of view you are writing and it also underlines the characters.
The plot deffinitely has potential for more chapters and I think it would become a really nice story.
I would love to read more ItaSaku fics from you if you can find the time to write between your college things. :)