Reviews for Delirium
herfrostyx chapter 1 . 4/2/2017
Come back to read it again. I will never grow bored of this. Still lovely. Still fascinating.

I hope you write more but if you dont feel like it i just want you to know that yours writings are really amazing!
SoulMore chapter 1 . 2/10/2016
flutepiano chapter 1 . 10/17/2015
Awwww! That was so... well, I suppose it wasn't cute, exactly, or technically beautiful... but it was still adorable. And beautiful. And REALLY well-written.
When I read the first sentence, I was like, "Yay! Porn!" XD
snappdragon chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
Holy crap! That was AMAZING! I love your writing and I love this plot!
Cat Avatar for the DCG chapter 1 . 6/2/2015
So, this fic is well aged and probably not a candidate for revision, but I have a few bits of concrit:
1) Near the beginning Penguin calls says that "Captain Kid's arrived," shouldn't that be "Captain Eustass?" Just doubting he and Penguin are on a first name basis. (Although I go back and forth on that, because Oda puts names both ways, just to be confusing; additionally Eustace the Monk was only known by his first name, and Kidd is a last name... But I've settled on - his crew call him Kid, so that's gotta be the first name.)
2) Near the top of the last third: "the full of Law's cock ..." While that could work, it seems like that should either be "fullness" or "feel."
3) Same paragraph, extra "a": "his flagging erection from before making a lazy _a_ comeback ..."

TL;DR: Thanks for writing. I'd not bother to concrit if I didn't think it worth it. I'm lazy that way.
Vanillamoo chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
Well fuck. That was so fucking gooodddd~~ i love you so much for writing these smutty kidlaw fanfics :3 favourite author :3 but i like kidlaw and dislike lawkid.. so i just skip the lawkid parts.. ;n;
hi chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
Gureshingure chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
omg this is so hot! ! So underrated! ! Thanks again for writing! I love u! I hope you make more KidLaw/LawKid! Thank you thank you thank you xD *hugs*
DoflaLaw chapter 1 . 5/29/2014
... You're making me ship a ship that I didn't think could set sail (at least for me lol) XD You're really good, maybe I should start supporting KidLaw ;P
Keep up the good work! ( / '3')/ - *Worth*
KiPii-Mousse chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
An amazing story I must say. One of the best I've read so far, great job :)
persistentprism chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
This is the best story you've posted on this site so far. It's amazing and tragically underrated. I seriously cannot believe how little attention this story gets. It's unfair. I keep coming back to this piece over and over again.
KlawxXx chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
I guess it is high time for some reviewing, I just wish I knew where to begin. Woo, halfway through I had to get up and get myself some tissues, mostly from the sweat beading at my forehead. My eyes stung by the end, I was so clued to the screen I think I forgot how to blink at some point. With it being night and all outsite, I should probably have switched to night-mode, but oh well.

My dear, lovely Cyance. You are by far my most favorite author on this site and though this story have been posted for a while, discovering a new idea from you amidst your on going story, is just fan-fucking-tastic! I am thrilled by your mind blowing creative juices! Sheesh, to think up such a genious smutty story and keeping it all in character and in world, that's just.. I know why I worship you.

To start on the story, from tip to root, I must first state that the originality of this concept has me green with jealousy. Which is alright, I love green and the feeling of a bit competition is great ;) My story has hit 19 chapters now like yours, but unlike how you keep it canon, mine goes very AU.

So, we have Eustass Kid being summoned to the heart pirates submarine, not knowing what or really why, but the fact that he goes despite it all just to find Trafalgar delirious with need. Me, oh my! I can imagine that before it all, Killer must have thought it very suspicious, but I love how Kid eventually just jumps head first into everything. Like how he just went a pruchased Law in WORTH, having no clue about the consiquences or what it entailed.
I am sorry I never left much comments or reviews, but I will try to make up for it. You deserve all the worlds love. You are extremely talented (you know that) and I for one feel humbled that you share your genious with us all.

My favorite part, as odd as it might sound, was by the end of it all. They lay cuddling and Kid giggles. GIGGLES. Gosh I love it. I can only imagien when they both wake and Law regains his wit fully. Hahaha, oh I am glad my imagination ain't so bad either.

Sex three times in a row and Law even topped! Hallelujah and praise you! I am amazed you were able to pull that off! You did it so it wasn't even tiresome reading it, even though an act like such can be difficult phrasing in more than one way. I know I had difficulty with dragging mine out in chapter 8 of WN, but that aside. Just wow.

I am going to leave you with all my love! This was by far genious and UGH! I love you!

Monster nr. 742 chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
Woo I really liked this _ Haven't read much about Kid (to be honest, I wasn't very fond of him) but this was sooo good! Thank you! _
Cintamani chapter 1 . 11/23/2013
Loved it! So in character and wonderfully written!
Ace's Shadow Girl chapter 1 . 10/22/2013
Oh my God. This story is so perfect, I don't know what to say except that I loved every last bit about it. Especially the role-reversed part; I'm always wondering why people don't write it more often. And I loved how you made Kid seem kinda infatuated with Law. You're on my fav authors list with good reason, after all.
Thank you so much for this one.
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