Reviews for OPEN SYOC Percy Jackson
unicorndemigod chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
NAME: Selena (last name unknown)

AGE: 13

APPEARANCE: Auburn naturally-curly hair, brown eyes with flecks of gold, pale freckled skin. Petite and pixie like. Wears a lot of eccentric clothes with a lot of different colors, loves her favorite converse shoes with marker drawings on them. Likes feather earrings and dark lip colors. Mascara and eyeliner, but no other makeup.

FAMILY: Not such a great relationship seeing as she's an orphan. Her 'dad' died when she was three in a car accident (aka. her step-dad) and her mom died when she was born. Her half-brother (non-godly side) and her were sent to an orphanage and she has no memory of her parents. Her half-brother is 14 and his name is Devin.

GODLY PARENT: Apollo, but she is also a descendant of Aphrodite. Her great-grandmother was a child of Aphrodite.

WEAPONS: Bow and arrow, violin, her voice (You'll see)

POWERS: She has perfect pitch and an uncanny ability to pick up any instrument and play it prodigiously. She has a powerful voice and she can use it to do almost anything, she doesn't know her limits and she hopes she'll never find out. She's able to use sound waves just like Percy Jackson uses water. She is good with a bow and arrow too.

FRIENDS: Her friend's name is Amber, she's also an orphan and they came to the orphanage at roughly the same time.

STRENGTHS: Anything to do with music and/or creativity. She also takes gymnastics and is very flexible.

WEAKNESSES: She's a sucker for anything chocolate and is terrible at fighting with a sword. She's okay at combat fighting but wouldn't trust herself to fight for her life.

PERSONALITY: Speaks fluent sarcasm and can come across as obnoxious at first, but once you get to know her she's really funny and loyal to a fault. She strives to be as different as possible and to stand out, and it sometimes gets her in trouble.

I hope she doesn't die but if she were to, I would want her to die protecting her friends.

I thought I should do a bit of her story, don't know how good it'll be:-)

PS. Enjoy!;-)

CHAPTER 1: A sharp saves my life

It started out like any other day. Same boring classes, same droning teachers, same wet-cardboard cafeteria lasagna, and same Vicki being a stuck-up snob. I was making my way to fourth period, dreading it too, because Victoria Delancy Johnson and I are in the same class for math and L.O. So in other words, I was thrilled. So thrilled I didn't see Tom Fletcher run up to me and nearly knock me over - and let me tell you, that is not something you want to happen to you. Tom Fletcher is nearly six foot and he weighs about 90kg. I know because that's how he got into the rugby team, coach Freeman didn't even test his playing skill, he took one look at him and said,"You're in." Sorry, my train of thought sometimes derails, sometimes it blows up too. So anyway... What were we talking about again? Sorry, I'm a little ADHD, a little OCD and a little dislexic too, and mathslexic, did I mention mathslexia is a legit condition? Because it is. I go to a school for 'special' kids, kids with 'learning disabilities'. I hate it here. Oh yeah, I remember now, we were talking about the giant hydra head that just busted the classroom wall. I'd made it through math class and L.O was just starting, when I got this feeling, as of something bad was about to happen. I don't really know how to explain it to you... it was just... a feeling I guess... I don't know why, but the feeling was getting stronger, and the cold ball of dread building in my throat was growing by the second. Then suddenly I realized why. A huge, serpent-like head bust through the wall, it was about the size of a small truck. It had super sharp teeth and scales, and it looked hungry. There was screams and loud crashes as kids all around me shuffled from their desks and cowered against the wall - not the wall the hydra head was poking through, obviously. I just stared at it in absolute terror, but I couldn't move. That thing, the hydra, it was staring straight at me. "C'mon!" Amber jerked me up and I snapped out of my daze. I scrambled to the door but it was jammed. I kicked it and nearly fell over, but it didn't budge. I picked up a chair and tried ramming it against the door. Nada. "Help me pick up this bench!" I yelled above the sound of the muffled screams and growling of the hydra. I glanced behind me and two more heads had broken through the wall and were hissing at me. Amber and I picked up the bench and, with much difficulty, slammed it against the door. Nothing happened. Suddenly a voice spoke in my mind.I don't mean my conscience, I mean a voice literally spoke in my mind. 'Selena, sing,' He (it?she?) said. It was such a melodic voice, as if the words were being sung instead of spoken. 'Sing' He said again. It was a preposterous idea, I couldn't fight a monster just by singing! Still... I could try. I stepped forward timidly. 'A sharp' the voice said. It was strange, but I could do it. I have perfect pitch so it would be easy to find the note. And plus, in science class I'd been taught that certain frequencies can break down cells, though that was just a theory some scientist had thrown together. Still, it could work. It was worth a try. I took a deep breath and did the natural thing. I sang. I belted out a soprano A sharp and everything happened at once. The hydra wailed in protest, its wail clashing with my singing. Then it burst into a vile-smelling dust. Everyone stopped screaming and stared at me with mixed expressions. I stopped and gasped in a breath, glancing around at the bewildered faces of my peers. Amber frowned worriedly for some reason and grabbed my hand. "We gotta go," She said and pulled me towards the door, which had miraculously opened by itself. I nodded numbly and let her pull me away from the school. We ran to the orphanage and Amber told me to pack a bag. I packed everything I had into a plastic bag, which wasn't much, but I still felt like I was on auto-pilot. We'd both packed our bags and hitched a ride on the bus by three in the afternoon. I said nothing, I was still stunned by what had happened earlier. So stunned in fact, that I didn't think to ask Amber why we were suddenly fleeing the country. Too stunned to ask what had happened earlier, and too stunned to ask how I'd done that. chapter 1 . 2/8/2017
Name: May Elizabeth Ferland
Age: 12
Appearance: Curly/Frizzy shoulder length honey-ish hair, Innocent Dark brown eyes, cocoa colored skin with Vitiligo, if you look very closely you can see dark freckles and sun spots on shoulders.
Family: Two older brothers, Jacob Ferland and Tyler Ferland (both mortal). Love her to pieces and would guard her with their lives. Father and step-mother, Louis Ferland and Jenny Ferland, don't care much about any of the kids except for Jacob, the eldest.
Godly Parent: Demeter
Weapons: A long, golden scythe called τριφύλλια , or Clovers .
Strengths: Being near nature, any mention of her brothers
Weaknesses: Being near dead plants (specifically trees), watching someone die painfully
Personality: Innocent, seems weak but will kill you if you get her angry enough, passive, peaceful, generally quiet, happy, easily excitable, has difficulty reigning in on her emotions.
If they die, how do you want them to die?: After a sudden burst of power/anger in which she takes down one of the main enemies, she collapses to the ground in a trembling heap and with her friends surrounding her, she slips away and holds one of their hands platonically.
Anything else?: Loves to go into the forest at night and heal broken tree branches.
Riptide chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
Beatrice (Trixy) Willows


Short ginger hair with side fringe, rare violet eyes, pale skin, flexible.

Nat Willows, step dad Tom, step brothers Rich, Todd, Luke, Jack and Toby.

Godly Parent

Trident or Staff

Same as Percy Jackson

Friends (optional)

Reading, running, archery.

Heights, Dogs and the dark.

Angry, can only be controlled by Percy.

If they die, how do you want them to die?
Arrow in the back

Anything else?
Sammy chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
Name: Caden Kinkas
Age: 17
Appearance: Brown hair and eyes, white skin tone, tall, thin, built
Family: Has none he knows of. Abandoned at birth
Godly Parent: Apollo
Weapons: Spear, dagger, sword, knives, rifle
Powers: Is really fast and strong, is super intelligent, can fly, can control music
Friends: Everyone at CHB
Strengths: Encouragement, support, friends
Weaknesses: Is pretty weak in some challenges, can be lazy
Personality: He is a friendly loyal guy everyone can trust, and is pretty smart, patient, polite, and athletic, but despite this he can get angry easily and is a bit on the lazy side. He always tells the truth and is healthy, and is calm and serious, and he barely laughs, but if he does, he says he just "woke up on the right side of the bed" and he rarely shows his positive, optimistic, happy side.
If they die how do you want them to die: No death for him please
Other: *nothing*
Annabel chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
Short dark brown straight hair, bright green eyes,loads of freckles and quite tanned. Athletic, tall and sporty.
Doesn't know as before camp half-blood at the age of 5 she grew up on the streets of London.
Godly Parent
Demeter (legacy of Athena )
Skilled knife fighter, but also amazing with magic.
Magic and the ability to use any plant to her advantage
Friends (optional)
Old Tom who looked after her on the streets. Her nymph Aussie who helped her get to camp. Most people at camp apart from the Aphrodite cabin.
Fast mind and a fast fighter who always has her wits about her.
Has a very low opinion of herself and a weak left knee from old battles.
Loyal to her friends but cautious around strangers. Loves storys but can't really read in English as she never went to school. Fluent in Latin and Greek she is extremely clever. She has an excellent poker face. Good at masking her feelings. Sometimes withdrawn and often has flashbacks of her abuse as a child. A good leader and is often turned to for advice by other campers.
If they die, how do you want them to die?
Protecting her friends and sacrificing herself for the greater good.
Anything else?
She loves making her own instruments out of natural materials and playing them. She is resourceful and a good cook.
guest1942 chapter 1 . 10/5/2015
When i wrote my last character Alex Mason(yes like the one in cod)
Name:Alex "Skull" Mason
Appearance:5'10,Blue eyes,hair like Tristan(look him up on google he is from yu gi oh) or like sam from sam and colby wich one you think fits best,muscular(not too much)
Godly Parent:Chaos(yes i know he is op but i like him beacause he is the father of all mythological creatures)
Family:John Mason(Uncle also a demigod),Amelia Mason-Wayne(Mother),Danny(little brother),Jimmy(little brother)
Sarah(little sister),Darrell Wayne(step-father)
Lives with all the there loves him,he also loves them back
Weapon:A mockingjay token wich can turn into literally a 45 min cooldown.
Power:Has a little of every god/titan and anything you can think of in greek/roman explains great swimming ability,temper and a lot of other things.
Death(prefer not to die):Leading in battle or sacrifice.
Friends:All camp.
Anything else:Put him in a less Crowded cabin like Percy's since he is a son of Chaos(yes he can choose wich cabin he joins) and when his friends are hurt he kneels,gets up with an insane smile, teleports behind the hostile/s and stabs video games.
Open to romances:YES
This post belongs to drinxharra and drinxharra1
guest1942 chapter 1 . 10/3/2015
Name:Alixander Mason
Appearance:Military cut hair(if you get what i am saying)Blue eyes,5'10",brown hai,muscular(not too much)
Family:Alex lived witg his mum,Amelia,in New never knew his dad till to camp when the attacks a lot of friends and enemies.
Godly parent:(yes i know it overpowerd but here goes nothing) Chaos
Weapon:when Alex's friends are hurt he knees then gets up with an insane smile,teleports bejind the hostile/s and stabs him/the
Power:has a little of every thing you can think of ing greek and roman mythology like gods titans and other creatures
Friends:Nearly all camp.
Open to romances:Yes
Anything else: i dont what him to die and he shares a cabin with percy since alex is a son of chaos
THIS REVIEW BELONGS TO drinxharra1 and drinxharra
ParadoxxFoxx chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Name: Emmet Greyson Blake Age: 15 Appearance: 5'5" 126 lbs. Brown hair in a caeser style, brown eyes, slash of freckles across nose and part of his cheeks. Race: White Family: Mother named Tori and sister named Eliza Godly Parent: Hephaestus Weapons: He doesn't like to use it but has a normal sword with leather grip Powers: Lame power of rule following Friends: Thinks he has friends but they don't know he exists Strengths: When instructions are involved Weaknesses: No instructions Personality: An ordinary, rule following camper who is not noticed. When he is noticed it's because people are saying they don't know him. He is very earnest. He is so good at fitting in no one ever saw him. He makes a lot of efforts to be noticed. If they die how will they? Not preferred but he would get stabbed freeze and then look at the knife and fall backwards from a tall height Anything else? He grew up in St Louis, Missouri and was taken to Camp after a trip to the St. Louis arch. Emmet has spent most of his camp life in the camp forges making things longing to be popular but his camp mates hardly notices he's there. He lives his loie by the book. He builds things only from instructions. He is mostly boring, except for some very few moments of inspiration. He is not a fan of adventure or danger, bpth of which giving hom a reason to freak out. (Except when you have to incorporate it into the story with a lot of talking him into it) Thank you, for your consideration.
Paoblo chapter 1 . 5/14/2015
Name- Felix Cadbury

Age- 14

Appearance- a strong, sturdy build and brown eyes (common traits from his godly father) , military style haircut and an almost permanent scowl. Facial features are similar to his dad/Ares at the time Ares meet his mum: Slight large nose with strong cheekbones, pig-like eyes.

Family- Jessica Cadbury (His aunt who was a retired soldier), Edward Cadbury (His Uncle, a Retired Navy officer) , Mother /Kaytlin Cadbury is a part time gun shop owner and almost fulltime military commander on the field.

Godly Parent- Ares

Weapons- A spear (and any weapon he could get his hands on )

Powers- Enchanced battle-field reflexes, tactician, strength and natural leadership skills.

Friends (optional) - His half-sister : Clarrise (though it is more of admiration and blood relations that makes them acquaintences )

Strengths- Tactical plots, close combat and strong willed determination, good at reading people in war, Map reader and knowledge of war related missions due to his family's long line of fighters.

Weaknesses- Anger management issues, slight limp in his right leg from arthritis, fear of being a disappointment to the camp for it, and stubborn as an ox

Personality- Felix, though stubborn as ox, is actually quite endearing. He is a quite sensitive fellow due veing bullied about his missing father( before going to camp and vecoming a bully himself ) and has a love for dogs. He jokes around from time to time but due to his scowling face and gruff tone, most people think of it as sarcasm or a horrible attempt at a witty remark. He is quite shy but disguises it as anti-social tendincies. Quick to anger and slow to mellow, Felix gives a dog's sh*t about people he doesn't like, using it as an excuse to try and stick a spear up their asses.

If they die, how do you want them to die?- Death in war against Kronos, spear throwing or realistically: right leg slows Felix down before he could duck. Cause lets face it. Only a few could really get a decent death.

Anything else?- Don't let him become a mindless drone will'ya buddy?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
Name: Delila Twain
Age: 14
Appearance: About 5'5, green eyes, soft, long caramel hair (always braided)
Family: David Twain (dad), Persephone (mom), Reese (sister)
Godly Parent: Persephone
Weapons: Two celestial bronze/silver daggers
Powers: Hades/Demeter powers
Strengths: Upbeat personality cheers people up
Weaknesses: Scared of her powers
Personality: Upbeat, sarcastic, loyal
Death (not preferred): saving others and sacrificing herself
GUEST24 chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Name: Cassie Schmidt
Age: 15
Appearance: Brown medium length curly hair. Green eyes. Thin and short.
Family: Connor Schmidt (younger brother)(died), John Schmidt (father)
Godly parent: Demeter
Weapons: She prefers peace, but will fight with a sword if necessary. She will fight to protect her friends, family, or nature.
Powers: She can control plant growth, speed it up, slow it down. Also, she is friends with the wind gods, and has been learning how to control wind, and storm spirits. She loves the sound of the wind blowing the leaves of plants.
Friends: IDK
Strengths: She is very active in the outdoors. Her senses become more alert in nature. This helps her in battle situations. She is also quite strong physically because she likes to hike, mountain bike, snowboard, etc.
Weaknesses: She is not always confident in herself. At camp half blood, she feels inferior to the children of major gods and godesses and thus often holds back and doesnt stand up for things she wants to, and stays back in people's shadows.
Personality: She is very much an environmentalist, and loves plants and nature. If she could, she would always be out hiking. She has strong views about things and is very loyal. However, as stated above, she often holds back.
If they die, how do you want them to die?: I would prefer her to die standing up for her friends, or sacrificing herself for friends or family. I would also prefer that she be turned into a plant of some sort.
Anything else?: Her brother was also a child of Demeter, but he died in some sort of accident (you can make that up). She was not present during this accident and this is why she always wants to protect her friends and stand up for them, because she did not get the chance to do so for her brother.
Kendra PJO chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Name: Sarah Danielson
Age:15 or so
Appearance: dirty(literally) blonde hair, blue/hazel eyes, sunburned skin
godly parent: Demeter
Family: the usual demigod story, Demeter left when she was young, no memories. Father remarried, has two siblings. She had no idea she was a demigod until Katie Gardener came to her school.
Weapons: standard issue, no special ones. She's passable with the sword, but no expert.
Powers: basic Demeter and Demigod package, no bonus of use in fighting
Friends: everyone at CHB, but not super close to all the heads of the cabins
Strengths: her empathy- she is a really good listener, can defuse even the Ares cabin.
Weaknesses: she limps because of a hellhound attack when she was making her way to camp. Also tends to hold in all her emotions like a volcano, explosion time isn't pretty.
Personality: covered above. Most of all though, she's HUMAN. Don't make her a Mary Sue.
BalletBookworm chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
I didn't finish my review, but I was going to say I've made another character listed below.

Name: Josh Girano

Age: 16

Appearance: Tall, blond hair, brown eyes, tan skin. Long fingers and limbs. Usually wearing toned down colors, like dark blues and reds. Wears CHB t-shirt at camp with jeans or shorts.

Family: Jacob Girano, father; Cat Ornesy-Girano, stepmother

Godly parent: Hecate

Weapons: Magic and the Mist, with a dagger to be on the safe side.

Powers: Magic and Mist control

Strengths: Combat-type magic, writing

Weaknesses: Easily irratible, overworking, only okay with a dagger and a sword

Personality: Works too hard, and therefore drinks a lot of coffee. Easily irratated, but tries to be kind. Always trying to win at everything, though not the extent of a Nike child. Enjoys helping the Demeter children in the fields and being at CHB's beach. Very creative.

If Josh dies, I would want him to die from overexertion or a sacrifice, but you can decide whatever you want of course.

Anything else: Doesn't particularly like his mortal family, but wants a new brother or sister to take care of.

Thanks! I hope you consider my characters!
grootiful chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
Name: Alyssa Cryvolin

Age: 14

Appearance: Long, black, curly hair dyed with streaks of many different colors. Average height, peachy skin tone with pink cheeks. Usually has paint stains all over her hands, as well as a neon nail polish. Usually wearing ripped and messy short denim shorts, with either her CHB t-shirt or a brightly colored top.

Family: Jeff Cryvolin, father and artist

Godly parent: Iris

Weapons: Celestial bronze sword named Akouaréla (Watercolor)

Powers: None

Strengths: Painting, singing, fighting (mediocre skill), calming people down, cooking weird health foods

Weaknesses: Scatterbrained, scared of riding pegasi, hates fire, immature

Personality: Very friendly and happy. Enjoys painting, like her father, and making strange healthy alternatives, like her mother. Both have been obssessions since elementary school. Has an irrational fear of horses after a mortal summer camp accident, but gets along well with other animals. As she is 14 and about to enter high school, she is rather immature. Alyssa would rather spend time with her cabin and/or Rachel than improving her fighting skills. Confident about making friends, but hates going up in front of a large group. Basically the same as above.

If Alyssa dies, I would like her to die from either being killed by a monster or whatever you like, really, I don't particularly mind this.

Anything else: She has never met her mom, but hopes to someday.

I realize this character is rather cliche but I hope she at least makes it as a minor character. Listed below I have ma
AwesomeGirl chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
Name: Aria
Age: 15
Godly parent: Apollo
Family: Her Mom Emily. And her sister Caroline(human)
Weapon: bow and arrow
Powers: amazing archer and singer(she can put creatures to sleep with her singing)
Friends: anyone of your choice. Your OC perhaps?
Strengths: Archery, Singing, and a good distraction(if needed to distract)
Weakness: back talks(always has a retort ready) doesn't always listen(rebel) afraid of heights.
Personality: She's rebellious. Always ready to have a good time. She's a good listener to other people's problems and is willing to sacrifice herself for her friends. She's quick to give a retort and also quick with her arrows.
If they die how do you want them to die: I'd rather not, but if I had to choose dying to save her friends.
Anything else: nope! Everything else if 100% up to you
Thank you so much :D
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