Reviews for Two Worlds Collide
mayawene chapter 30 . 3/4
Thanks for this story ! ! !
Guest chapter 8 . 4/23/2019
I know you won't look at these reviews anymore, but if you want the way everyone talks to sound English, not American, you need to use English terminology. For example, we say "holiday" instead of "vacation" and "shirt" instead of "button-down". Some other words are pavement instead of sidewalk and bin instead of trash can. Just a tip.
DemeRain chapter 30 . 5/11/2015
Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 28 . 8/11/2014
This was really good until Merlin threw a hormonal-14-year-old-girl over the Sophia thing and then expected Arthur to apologise out his arse for it. It just struck me as very OOC for Merlin, which can be expected in an AU but even in an AU he's meant to be at least 18 as he's at Uni, and any adult who reacts like that in a serious relationship when he's had no previous insecurities in said relationship needs to sort himself out and become an equal participant instead of wanting his partner to take all the blame and only offering one measly apology. I'm sorry if any of this is corrected later on but I can't stick it out and watch them move on like your Merlin didn't act like a ruddy pre-teen in his supposed serious and adult relationship.
Dlldarkwolf chapter 30 . 4/10/2014
That was cool! I'm sorry that you have received some bad reviews. Just one point of confusion. Arthur had already met Will at the movie, so he would have recognized him at least a little bit at the coffee shop, right? Other than that, it was wonderful. I especially like that you focused on actual relationship rather than what happened in the bedroom as some Merthur stories do.
weepingelm chapter 30 . 2/17/2014
thank you for such a nice story
Kat chapter 20 . 1/10/2014
I've been reading this story the last few days and really enjoying it. Your characters are believable, your dialogue natural, and your story progression engaging. Sadly, this chapter, you lost me. Arthur was clear and forthright about what was going on; Merlin's reaction came off as unreasonable and out of character, as something that happened for the sake of creating angst/tension/drama rather than as a natural reaction. It felt contrived and took me out of a previosly enjoyable story.
xtremechick18 chapter 30 . 1/7/2014
Loved this story soo much thank you for all the work you put into it and keep up the good work.
MinistryOfMagic13 chapter 30 . 1/4/2014
I absolutely loved this story :)
Brilliant ending :)
nanesantos70 chapter 30 . 1/4/2014
perfect! i loved ! thanks!
kennsuhow chapter 30 . 1/3/2014
Awwwww! *fangirls*. Sad that this is over, but what a lovely ending! I hope to see more from you soon and that guy had better sort himself out :)
01beirke chapter 30 . 1/3/2014
thank you for this wonderfull story!
Miss Random905 chapter 30 . 1/2/2014
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I been following this fic since the beginning and I've become emotionally attached to it! What a wonderful ending, it was beautiful and very satisfying. Well the whole fic was amazing in general! Thank you for this and stay awesome :D
Bailieboro chapter 30 . 1/2/2014
Very satisfactory read. You kept the story moving along effortlessly. Congratulations, a job well done!
Leinad Yllek chapter 30 . 1/2/2014
Aww. What a good ending. I just wish to know what's going to happen later in their life's.
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