Reviews for Promises
Reader701 chapter 21 . 1/12
Great ending!
Kpfan72491 chapter 21 . 1/6
Awwwwww. Amazing ending
sarammlover chapter 21 . 11/30/2019
Love love love!
Loueze chapter 21 . 11/30/2019
Amazing. I love the wonderful, hopeful place you have left them in. The eighteen months they spent apart did them both a lot of good, and I think they are in a good place now to try again. Its clear they never got over each other and how crazy they each are about the other. Good on Haymitch for pointing out to Peeta what he was missing!

I note this chapter is marked epilogue, so is the story now complete? Because if not, and you ever felt up to it, I'd love a little glimpse into their future. ;)

Thank you again for coming back to this story, and I hope sometime, you feel like revisiting "Behind the Curtain" as well. That's another one that stuck with me. :)
Loueze chapter 20 . 11/30/2019
I am almost without words at the end of this chapter, I have so many feels. But first I need to say thank you, thank you, thank you, for coming back the story and giving it closure. It was always one of those stories that stuck with me, and I wondered about how you would end it.

I knew this was coming, I knew it had to come. In a lot of ways, even after Rehab, Peeta still needs to grow. He expects things to just go back to the way they were but I don't think he has even started to comprehend how much what happened impacted on Katniss - she had an almost PTSD reaction to the thought of him drinking, and while I can see his hurt at what he sees as distrust from her, he is not fulling reading into what is going on behind it. Someone needs to give him a wake up call. Its amazing that he really did not see this break up coming.

I think some time apart will be the best thing for them... and I love, love, love how you wrote them parting in the airport. OMG, the longing, and the "how do I fix this" the panic at "this is really it" both of them was feeling was tangible, but neither of them know how to make it good again. Agh, you killed me, right there.

Now on to the epilogue. Once agin, thank you so much for returning to this story. Seeing your notifications in my inbox made my week, and I'm not joking.
P-emer chapter 19 . 4/6/2018
please one more chapter this was so good
Jen.Everlark chapter 19 . 12/14/2016
Pleeeease update soon! I need to see how this ends!
Amity Ravenclaw from District4 chapter 19 . 10/18/2016
I would so love it if you could give this story an update? I just re-read it and am still as in love with it as ever!
kansa chapter 19 . 6/15/2016
Awe. So sweet. But what is Peeta hiding? Looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
Please update soon, this story brings me such much joy! Best one yet.
Hello chapter 19 . 5/31/2016
I can't put my finger on it, but in the last couple of chapters, something has gone very very wrong between Everlark. Peeta is being a dick, a lot of the time. He was a real asshole when he woke up in the hospital. Did he even thank Katniss for saving his life, I can't remember, and now he is out of Rehab, he is acting all weird. I hope he didn't hook up with that girl. I don't think I trust him right now. I hope you can fix them. Please update soon, as I really like your story, even if Peeta is frustrating me.
32sheshe chapter 19 . 5/29/2016
Enjoying this story. Just started it yesterday. Looking forward to seeing he next chapter!
Guest chapter 19 . 5/29/2016
Amazing story! Hope you update soon.
Guest chapter 18 . 5/29/2016
Oh my god I love this story so much33 PLEASE UPDATE OR I WILL CRY
Nitpicker chapter 11 . 5/26/2016
Chapter 11, I really love your story, I do, just one little criticism. In canon Katniss hair was described as straight and black and her face thin, (she was starving). She wouldn't have a round face and chestnut is reddish brown like you said in this chapter. I'm sorry if this is nit picky but I really dislike when writers change canon physical features like this, because now I'm not picturing katniss any more. But please keep writing because your story is great!
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