Reviews for The Wind By Night
mysterrious chapter 9 . 3/25/2017
I really have no words, you have rendered me nearly speechless. I have just finished reading this monumental and MASTERFUL undertaking of yours and I can honestly say that it has changed me. The last page in and of itself has altered my perception of life and the world around me. The description of rain and wind is pure poetry and imparts in me a desire to grab at every moment and LIVE IT. I was and still am in tears, moved by the sheer beauty of it all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your vision. Please please please never stop.
sisana chapter 12 . 3/25/2017
Amazing story! Thank you :-)
LemonyTARDIS chapter 9 . 9/7/2015
I love your writing style and I particularly loved it when they did it on the exam table.
Rusty Fingers chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
Gorgeous. Beautifully written and darkly introspective. Many thanks!
ilikeplainmandms chapter 12 . 9/29/2014
Hands down, favorite Doctor Who story. Loved it, loved, had to read it twice, back to back. Amazing writing, in-character, awesome plot, god, just wow. Thank you.
ols chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
I just absolutely love this. It's amazing, perfectly written. Your science research is astonishing (though I don't understand half of that things) and characters seem so real. My favourite DW story ever!
dietgreentea chapter 12 . 7/18/2014
This is literally one of the most beautiful and well-written stories I've ever read. Your writing is wonderful and you captured everything so perfectly. I haven't enjoyed writing in general like this in a while. That was amazing.
Caspiansea chapter 12 . 7/15/2014
caspiansea711 chapter 1 . 7/13/2014
I've read plenty of fanfiction over a long stretch of time, enjoying the diversion, but never expecting anything particularly worth my many hours of wasted time. Until today, I've never reviewed because nothing before has ever been worth it. This is intelligent, intellectually interesting, and best all - fun. You're meant for bigger things. Raise the bar.
Missfantasyfreak chapter 12 . 6/15/2014
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Lovely and very realistic writing, all the people are as in character as it gets. All the science you've put into this, it's genious, it makes sense and even though I feel like I should not be able to follow it, I do. I mean, I don't get everything and some of the words you used I still hold in question of their existence, but I get the general context and that's what matters. It makes me think you've studied all science dimension travel included and teach it on a university.
This story is a brilliantly original take on this theme and I loved every detail of it. You're wonderful writer and you deserve a great prestige literary award for this masterpiece. I bow down low before your talent and hard work and clap. Seriously, you're awesome and I love you.

PS: I literally rooted for Prague when you mentioned it. I love it when people mention my city. Thank you for this.
Whyte Board Marker chapter 5 . 6/12/2014
Your research and science is astounding! I do like the meta-crisis' self-turmoil. He's trying so hard to justify his existence to himself. I like where this fic is going. I'll be reading on!
Skyler-A-Teloiv chapter 12 . 6/12/2014
There really are no words to describe just how much I've loved this story. You should have seen my face when I saw the Alert; I think I out-manic grinned Nine.

How you got him out of that cannon was masterful. I kept on waiting for something typical, Rose manages to get back early, some tech shows up, he fixes the cooling system with his bare hands from the inside.

I did not expect The DoctorDonna. And like the hotel rooms in The God Complex, once I read it, I realized it couldn't have been anything else. Your Donna was excellent, by the way.

The ending, too, was appropriate, really a more hopeful version of the last time we ever saw Rose Tyler and The Doctor. Standing on the edge of forever, with the world below their feet.

Will we be able to accompany them on their journey? That's up to you, of course, and I myself am on the fence about it. I'm not sure if this story should be a quasar or a firework, both have their merits.

Either way, you are officially my favorite Doctor Who writer, if not my favorite writer on this site. You've done well.

Skyler A Teloiv
Skyler-A-Teloiv chapter 11 . 5/16/2014
This is getting nerve-wracking. I hope you know that. I haven't felt this on the edge of my seat in I don't know how long.

And by the way, the image of Wilf making snow angels is too adorable for words.

Excellent series of images passing before his eyes. It was as disorenting for me as it was for him. Except, I'm sure, his involves more nausea.

Now. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? My nails will suffer while I wait, thank you very much.

And in all seriousness, thank you for writing this story, and more importantly, for sticking with it.

Skyler A Teloiv
shecallsmeceezy chapter 4 . 5/11/2014
Your writing style and ability are both absolutely phenomenal. Just as the word love fails to express the feelings it provokes, so does this review to your story. I can't begin to describe how much I am enjoying the imagery and watching it play out in my head, which you've made quite easy with your descriptions. I look forward to the rest of the story and hope to see more submissions from you!
wishbones chapter 7 . 5/1/2014
What a turn of events. The whole scene you have described here has left me breathless and anxious.
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