Reviews for Time to Play
lostmyunderpants chapter 1 . 4/28
bruh this is cursed
emthereble chapter 1 . 2/26
Wow love it!
detoxfox chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
Hey bleach can you jump in my eyes
Solangelo5 chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
I would love more of Snape taking advantage of Harry, and making Harry his.
Crowe chapter 1 . 10/13/2018
Ha, that ending! Yay!
Shocker chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
Wow. I just... can you make this into a multi chapter book? Like with snape going to Dumbledick or the Malfoy family to protect Harry?
How chapter 1 . 12/25/2017
Amazingly written! Seriously, write another chapter where Snape was to go and Septomsempra Vernon so hard that he could peel his skin off, heal him, then beat him with a trolls club with nails driven threw it... that would be great. Just an idea.

I now have a punching bag with Vernons face taped on it.
This fanfiction was scary and amazing at the same time!
Arya Morgana chapter 1 . 5/22/2017
Da forma como vejo, vai depender de onde você gostaria de ir com essa história. Tem todos os elementos para tornar-se um Snape mentor Harry, mas pode facilmente virar um sshp. Você pode fazer um Dumbledore bashing ou não, Snape pode ajudar ou piorar a situação. São tantas opções... No final, vai depender realmente de você responder a pergunta: Você quer continuar a escrever sobre isso?
MockingJay JAM chapter 1 . 4/24/2017
Please please please write more to this. I really want to know what happens next.
Lady Beaumort chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
P.S. It would do for an awesome Snape ass-kicking. if this plot bunny is up for grabs. please PM me. I'd like to see if I can a challenge of this for NanoWrimo.
Lady Beaumort chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
omg. terrible thing to happen for Harry but I love this story anywaynot the actual rape of course) but if you continued this it would make a great ss-hp mentor fic.
Witch's Runes chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
Can I take this story?
Nobody chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
You are a sick fuck. I love it. MOAR!
jamiefin chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
I hope you do follow up story where someone gets there are ass kicked
Alex chapter 1 . 2/13/2016
Well, since it was requested, I will tell you, you are sick. However, as I read all the way through that, I'm really not one to talk. Now, the obvious continuation is for Snape to ask Harry a bunch of questions and then decide Potter is, in fact, not a spoiled brat and can't stay at his relatives house anymore, he goes to Dumbledore… I'll leave that there. A slightly more unusual idea that popped into my mind is that Snape actually caught on quickly, as this might be a bit hard to hide, and this is Harry's first year. Obviously, for this idea that last little section would need a tiny revision. Snape is probably doing this either A) in detention to confirm suspicions he had or B) doing this to break Harry out of some sort of flash back. This could easily become a Slytherin!Harry fic if you take the first year route, or you could leave him elsewhere. And my final idea of this little section is that this could become an Evil!Dumbledore fic, because A) Harry told him and he didn't care or B) Dumbledore set this up. Little things like this leave tons of options open. Also, the last paragraph implies that this happened more than once, I think that, if this is the case Harry would likely have given this memory up almost immediately because his memory might be closer to the surface if he is in a room with only a male he doesn't trust. Harry could have a nervous breakdown or panic attack of some sort, especially if Snape locked the door. I'm just going to stop throwing out ideas before something really terrible occurrs to me.
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