Reviews for TigerFyre: The Truth About Love
AnonymousNoName chapter 17 . 12/26/2018
I have a weird feeling this should be rated M...

I mean, yes, it's still fine to read this kind of thing, being that this is a society consisting of living talking machines. I've just seen most authors be a little more careful with their T rating; some will even rate their story M if they mention 'rape', yet YOU DESCRIBE THE ACTION OF ORAL BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS! It's just a thought anyways. \_(ツ)_/
Moooved account chapter 17 . 9/7/2018
Hello! (BTW, please ignore previous review).

I would just like to tell you that I found "Tigerfyre: The truth about love" very hilarious and entertaining.

Plus, the way you write the characters is just perfection!

Bulldog, Dusty, El Chupacabra, Ripslinger, Ned, and Zed are just written so well. Plus, you write your original characters really well too. (I wish I could write out original characters that well. You're just too fricken good).

Alexis Tigerfyre is just fricken awesome! 8P

(If you take it into consideration, I would like it if you would please update. ThanksD
Moooved account chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
I'm going to give you an honest review. I goes like this:

I haven't read this fanfic for a few months, but I came back to it for the same reason I started reading it: Bulldog.

My favorite character is Bulldog, so I was looking for fanfics with Bulldog in them. I found this one.

Yes, I read the whole thing, but I got SO. FREAKING. BORED.

Anyways, tip for the future: add more Bulldog.



P.S. If you are a Bulldog fan, check out my new fanfic "Family Comes First." Chapter one will be released on Tuesday June 17, 2018.
ALICORNXD chapter 17 . 5/2/2018
I like it. Make more please


Guest chapter 17 . 2/6/2018
well, dad-guhm!(HAHAHAAAAHAA) I know very well who that sounds like!(HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)*dies of laughter* ;3
(Toooowww fav. character from cars...)
Crophopper7lel chapter 14 . 2/6/2018
neat! I got an all right! *taps on nose* ;3
Crophopper7lel chapter 13 . 2/6/2018
don't u worry one bit about it being to long! I can read about 5 chapters in one sitting! and these are long chapters for a fanfic.. (knowing from tons of experience)
Crophopper7lel chapter 8 . 2/5/2018
Crophopper7lel chapter 7 . 2/5/2018
Crophopper7lel chapter 6 . 2/5/2018
if u wanna get slangy... (not actually ur momma but u know what I mean) UR MOMMA SO 'DUPID THAT EVEN EC CAN'T FIT IN HER HEAD! (kinda sorta got that from Disney Planes where Rochelle insults El Chu ... u know what I'm talkin bout..). (and that is if we were planes not humans.:3). (sorry about all the parentheses..)
Crophopper7lel chapter 4 . 2/5/2018
I like bulldog... he isn't snooty... he's ... just a little..uh.. british... (no offence to ur opinion though.. )
disneypixarfan chapter 17 . 7/11/2017
Yay! You updated! I was actually just thinking about this story yesterday and how good it was and I had to come back and read it, only to realize that you've updated! I love it, your fanfiction has to be one of my favorites.
RipslingerRules chapter 17 . 7/10/2017
More Ripslinger, Ned and Zed tho... BTW, did Rip also fall for Lexi?! OMG pllllsssss tell me he did! I'm his biggest fan! (I really am)
Animaine Sparkster chapter 17 . 7/6/2017
"it's notta dahte" instead of "date" to make his accent more pronounced?
Little stuff like that is why I keep coming back to this story. Subtle details and creative ways to paint your picture.
Fabulous Cars Crazy Fudge chapter 17 . 7/4/2017
Yes! You updated! This is awesome! I was not expecting this!
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