Reviews for I Dreamed A Dream
Helliarys chapter 22 . 8/12
Poor Cerena, but it's kinda her falt at the same time... hard to be who she is!

The little scene at the end made me laugh, that's so funny!
Helliarys chapter 20 . 8/12
Oooooooooooooooooh... nooooooo
Helliarys chapter 15 . 8/12
This is so cool to see everything you imagined for this new orc society!
Helliarys chapter 14 . 8/12
Hahahaha, hot springs, the best!
Helliarys chapter 8 . 8/11
Wouuuuuuh, so interesting! I'm so eager to read more and more!
Helliarys chapter 3 . 8/11
Wouhaou... at first, with the description I thought that Vischt was a half-blood, orc and elfe, or somethinf like that.

But he is more, he is a orc prince, that is so interesting!
Helliarys chapter 2 . 8/11
Changed into an orc, that's something i've never seen!

And that's so cool!
Helliarys chapter 1 . 8/11

I just stumble on your fanfiction now, and I am so excited to begin! The way that Gandalf is coming to our world is very new and refreshing!
I'm really excited to continue!

That's kind of funny, because i'm writing a fanfiction too, about a girl falling in middle earth, but in Isengard with orcs, and she's black too, haha (but it's in french!)
Guest chapter 64 . 5/17
So, among the defeated forces, how are the Half-trolls, Ologs, Snaga, and Mewlips faring?
Guest chapter 64 . 5/13
What happened to the Ologs? Are they counted among the Uruks and spared?
silverhawk88 chapter 64 . 3/28
What a roller coaster ride that chapter was!

I wasn’t expecting Cerena to die! That was really shocking. Then with the help of Gandalf and mîrlen helping she came back and had the choice of the Peredhel from Mandos though in reverse. Now my question along time made in a previous chapter was answered! She is counted as one of the Eldar now!

Nelly and Ava are great nicknames! One thing I think would be interesting is if they stayed at the way to the age where Cerena came from and she got the chance to introduce her parents in the future to their grandkids. Would be interesting.

Anyway, great chapter as always! Congrats on almost being done with this story! :-D
sapphire-deity chapter 64 . 2/27
I honestly love how you navigated this chapter. I get how people could think it's a bit Mary Sue, but personally I agree with you and I think it was the right choice. Plus it would just be super mean to Elrond to have him lose a second wife. I'm going to miss this story when it finishes, I've loved reading it.
Tirion I chapter 64 . 2/27
Miss them already? Damn, I hope the kids got the immortality too, from their father if nothing else. Must be pretty nerve-wrecking if there is no certainty if they are mortal or not.
Tirion I chapter 63 . 1/15
About the Elf missing teeth: do they normally grow back for them in your story? One would think healthy Elves have some regeneration, eternity is an awfully long time to spend with chipped or missing teeth...
Liza chapter 63 . 1/14
I found your story yesterday and spent the whole day up to now reading it. (After sleeping some, of course.) I’m not sure how I felt about all the swearing and the over-sexualized elves. That said, I’ve enjoyed the story so far. I appreciated the themes of mercy and compassion throughout and I especially enjoyed the creativity and originality.
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