Reviews for Sweet Cruelty
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 37 . 1/24
ok I'm super confused wth is happening to elena, is she being used as a fuck toy for the whole school and everyone is compelled to basically rape the shit out of her and she's being forced to like it?! because that's what I'm reading and no wonder she was so against making love to katherine at the house they got for alone time
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 30 . 1/23
so the mayor killed someone?
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 20 . 1/22
awwwwww this was hella cute
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 19 . 1/22
awwww that last part got me, poor girl, y'know she may be the doppelganger and she may be one of the protagonists but she's still human and she's still just a child, she didn't deserve what happened to her not to mention she's still destined to die before she turns 18 ,before she has even barely lived, katherine better do something, also bamon had drunk sex!? excuse me where the hell is that chapter and when can I read it
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 12 . 1/22
i thought you said that it would be smooth sailing!? the fuck!
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 10 . 1/22
if it's all just Alaric being a victim of compulsion he shouldn't have to suffer any consequences he wasn't even in his right mind or even his own mind he was doing deeds that a mad stubborn vampire who had a long lasting grudge with her ancestor and wanted to use his anger out onto her descendant and had Alaric do the same
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 6 . 1/22
ok so I'm confused is trevor pissed at Katerina but due to distance he's taking his anger out on elena? wtf dude not to mention the rape that most certainly happened and this all happened the same night a guy got ran over by a car in front of her and the same night she found out her birth mother was alive but had no wish to know her, this is all kinds of fucked up and i hope someone saves her in time
narutoxninetaileddemon chapter 4 . 1/22
my God... jesus fucking christ wtf was the substitute version!?
Guest chapter 45 . 1/2
I love
Crazychicke chapter 45 . 12/31/2019
Ok, Nikki, this was great as always! I am ngl but i was nervous knowing my favs would prob die, tbh i didn't know what would happen in your aau, and I loved the Bamon esp Damon knowing Bonnie would come for him. Ripper Stefan working with Elijah? i didn't see coming. Meredith poisoning Klaus was clever, and good riddance to Isabel, I never liked her. I may have to reread previous chapters, but who was the wolf that was sacrificed? And was it vanessa that died in replace of Damon (thank god!) Hope Bonnie is still alive, I rather like the idea of her taking on Klaus in s2 (as in canon). The Kelena fb was interesting, and sad at the same time - i almost thought of vampire Elena which could be intriguing, what if scenario in this chapter... jenna and john storming the place with guns was baddass. So Jer betrayed Kat #noooo and where's caroline? I loved the idea of Katherine taking Elena and running, that was awesome! I hope she's okay! Super keen for the third instalment, and must read the rest of AAU. Happy new year! x
Call.Me.Random chapter 45 . 12/30/2019
oh my god. i can’t believe it’s done. holy shit.

this story has been going on for how many years now? like, it’s incredible, i love it so much, all the kudos to you for finishing it
MagicInMe123 chapter 44 . 9/21/2019
Wow this story is amazing I just binged the whole thing. I don’t even know where to start because this is so implicated and therefore it illicits so many emotions. I am hoping to see more gentle Katherine and for her to find out about Tyler raping Elena. Maybe once their lives are out of immediate danger they can start to deal with the trauma
Guest chapter 44 . 7/20/2019
Love it. But please.. don’t make Elena suffer anymore
kagome higurashi chapter 44 . 4/29/2019
Please write some more. will elena and katherine be together? Will they stay together? Will Elena take Katherine's cure?
Crazychicke chapter 44 . 3/31/2019
Holy shit, Nikki, this was my fav chapter so far! Thank you for the shoutout/dedication, glad you liked my graphics. Loved the crow/'it' and how Damon used it to spy on the founders. Loved Lockwood snr writing a note to Tyler and Meredith housing Rose! ROSE & ELIJAH & NIK! Finally we get to see them. Jenna/John bickering with Liz. Loved the longitude measurements, and the flashbacks in pov, and when you "killed" kat I almost screamed! Bonnie getting ready to take on Nik and getting power from the ancestors was great (i love this ep, also loved the written in the stars inscription). Elena playing a dangerous game and bloodsharing with her gf, that was new and refreshing, will blood in her system mean she might turn vampire, or will john/jenna make the sacrifice? thank you for the kelena smut, but i'm also intrigued on how things will go now Nik's in town. Jer's still in a coma, and who has damon captive? I loved seeing Damon's pov (he's my bae).
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