Reviews for Tracys of All Trades
CreativeGirl29 chapter 2 . 6/29/2019
Lol. This was brilliant
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2019
I loved this! Thank you so much. Xx
bubzchoc chapter 1 . 9/4/2013
a pretty little liar chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
I liked this. As someone else said, it can be hard to capture that perfect voice for the boys, keeping in mind their old fashioned roots as far as in the inception of Thunderbirds (the show) goes, but still giving them modern voices, so that the reader can relate.

I thought you did a great job of combining those elements, and keeping both boys in character! These two are my favorite brothers, so I was pleased to see them paired together, but I love any stories of these types - pairing them up randomly. It's a unique idea.

I'm interested to see who 'personal trainer' is for. My first thought would be for Scott (to be the personal trainer), and Virgil as the client, if you will, or maybe even Alan as the client, but there are a couple of ways this could play out and I keep coming back to Virgil for this next story. I don't know why, I just see him having something to do with that prompt.

I just can't wait to see which brothers get this prompt!

Nice job, and I'm definitely looking forward to an update!
MJ chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
Fun concept for a series of stories.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Scott gives Gordon a back massage. This reader dissolves into a puddle. I do like me some homo-eroticism with my Tracys!
lightcudder chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
A very enjoyable 'short'. Characters true to the series, and I particularly like the dialogue and the subtexts. It's easy to write reams of rambling dialogue, but you have got this 'curt', masculine and believable, which can be hard to achieve. And I love the ending. Looking forward to reading more.