Reviews for Us Against the World
Galaxyst chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
I'm crying, this is so beatiful.
I identify with Lucy, and that is the reason why this story touched me so deeply.

¡I love the RoLu!
The Sassy Sylveon chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
judging by the way this is written,and I could be wrong,you are the type to write detailed deep with meaning.
artistofthemind chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
This was really sweet! It's beautifully written.
Mikuu.Polo chapter 1 . 9/13/2014
ShadowKittyRyos chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
Its Beautiful.
CelestialLoverxxx chapter 1 . 3/15/2014
You have written this story so well, I have lost count of how many times I read it. And you must be such an amazing writer, your grip on the language is so good! It was pretty much flawless, and I love this so much! The descriptions, and the lines, there was simply no line in this story which was unnecessary because everything they said and every line with which you ended a part left a huge impact.

The part about where he asks her if he could sing about her and she asks him whether she could write about him...really great :D And seriously, you did a wonderful job on relating the song with the story, because very few song fics can ever be this good.

I even love the way you ended it, without adding any romance or happily ever know the way it should have ended because it's beautiful. I admire you so much for writing this, and it's definitely one of my favourite stories on this site. Really good job :)
Fairy x Hunter chapter 1 . 8/5/2013
I'm using this in school, and my teacher said it's time. UASDFfghjk i cant gio on ! NICE STORY
DarkDragonGirl4 chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
That was soooooooo adorable XD
love-always-has-a-price chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
So beautiful! It was really touching, I love it! :3
BlackJ.L.BeatInspirit chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
OMG! This is so awesome! It's so amazing! Write more like this!
lucyglitter11 chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
OMG THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH! ;-D THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :-* :-* :-* I LOVE YOU TOO SISTA! :-D *heart*heart* I LOVED THIS STORY SOOO MUCH! :-D This is such a master piece! This is THE BEST story for me! I'm gonna read it more than hundred times!
I simply loved the idea that Rogue was a singer and Lucy was a writer, not sure of herself. It's really sweet that they're both artists and support each other :'D There was a little humor where Rogue didn't fit in the cute little cafe :-D And omg, their first encounter was wonderful!
I loved that part when Lucy said, "Will you let me write about you?" and Rogue said, "Will you let me sing about you?" ! Eeep cuteness overload :-D *.*
He sings for her when she writes, how sweet can this story get? :'D What chemistry man, I'm melting! He read the story SEVEN times!? Aww he kissed her so sweetly :-D That's sweeter than sugar!
I LOVE THE ENDING MORE THAN ANYTHING! I just love the way they exchanged their works which they did for each other and the last line gives me then shivers,
"They'll meet again when they've conquered the world"
I love it that they didn't end up together like that, I JUST LOVED IT!
FROM WHERE DO YOU GET SUCH IDEAS!? YOU'RE AWESOME! I LOVE YOU FOR THIS AWESOME STORY! I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH! I don't really have the words to praise this wonderful story :'D
I can so imagine that later when Lucy becomes a famous author and Rogue becomes a famous artist, Lucy is sitting by the window sill of an old ,beautiful cottage somewhere on a green lushy hill, with lakes and all nature near by, she hears the sound of music and rushes out to find Rogue standing there with his arms wide apart and runs into his arms, eeepp! How I wish you make a sequel like that :'D Can I request a sequel like that? Pweety pwease? Pretty please with...a Loke on the top? ;-P