Reviews for Once You Go Beyond Friendship, You Can't Go Back
Guest chapter 1 . 6/13
Is 2020 with the corona nd still waiting for the ending of this book
pnsduck chapter 26 . 3/10/2019
It's been more than 3 years man, please update!
Vixenbleu chapter 26 . 3/5/2019
aMAZING story! Love love loved it. Wish u had kept going, it seems a recurring ring that no one gets around to finishing it but who am I to judge, here for the ride. Love your personal tidbits. :)
MissVarta chapter 26 . 9/16/2018
Hi! I hope you’re well!
You’re writing is really good! You depict Natsu perfectly in my opinion, and that’s no simple feat as we hardly get his POV in canon.
I’ve never read anything who writes Natsu like this and I just adore it! I hope you find the time to continue this story!
MissVarta chapter 4 . 9/16/2018
I just love how you write it. Awesome work!
MissVarta chapter 1 . 9/15/2018
Pervy Natsu is the best Natsu! Lol
Loving it so far!
lilliannaXoXo chapter 26 . 4/20/2018
I love this story please update soon!
Guest chapter 26 . 4/17/2018
I'm begging you to please come back. Please finish this story.
dreamsofpari chapter 26 . 3/13/2018
*squee* Well I totally just binged and read this whole fic until 5:30 in in the morning (whoops). Yo it's about dang time they got together! I seriously need the scene where they finally have sex omggggggg. But I did notice you havn't actually update in a couple years (so sad) so with whatever else is happening in your life that made you stop, don't worry man! Everything does eventually work out, even if it seems horrible. You can do it! *lots of love and support*
Dwarrior chapter 26 . 3/9/2018
it's awesome rereading an old favourite story, only to find an extra chapter... I'm loving it. and cannot wait to see what happens next... keep up the awesomeness...
Dwarrior chapter 26 . 3/9/2018
it's awesome rereading an old favourite story, only to find an extra chapter... I'm loving it. and cannot wait to see what happens next... keep up the awesomeness...
Ker Dunne chapter 26 . 11/22/2017
I love this story so much. I know life gets in the way but I hope you come back to it. Thanks for all you've done so far! 3
Guest chapter 26 . 10/31/2017
I hope you come back and continue this story, PLEASE!
DreadWolfTakeMe chapter 26 . 9/27/2017
WOW! I know it's been over a year since your last update, but I really hope that you add more to this story! I love how the plot didn't seem too rushed as far as the romance goes. I just feel like I need more now! lol
MissVarta chapter 5 . 9/27/2017
"Times like these make me want to risk everything."
seriously loving this so far. Great job!
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