Reviews for Yellow Moon
j12 chapter 16 . 7/27/2018
what a beautiful fic
Guest chapter 11 . 7/27/2018
j12 chapter 10 . 7/27/2018
this story is just so beautiful...the time spent reading this IS mot definitely worth it
Guest chapter 16 . 7/31/2017
I love this, I just wish I could saw the sexy time with Naruto and Sauke, but this was beautiful.

Mekabella21 chapter 16 . 8/18/2016
See! I knew they would end up helping each other! I'm so happy XD
Mekabella21 chapter 15 . 8/18/2016
So much fluff towards the end I was dancing in my seat. Now I can go to bed happy but I do have one more chapter to read. :-)
Mekabella21 chapter 12 . 8/18/2016
Sakura! For real! I feel like an idiot. I had no idea it was her! Man oh man.
Mekabella21 chapter 11 . 8/18/2016
Oh my. I had no idea things were that bad back then. I applauded them for trying to make things right but ugh. It's hard to say since I have never been put in a situation like that. I'm hurt that Gaara was hurt by neji death. He must have really loved him.
Mekabella21 chapter 10 . 8/18/2016
I feel like Naruto I am not surprised to know that Sasuke was there the night of the accident and knew what happened. I am glad he came clean about it now rather then later.

Ino is right, Naruto is taking Minato mother death so hard. He really does need to talk to someone. I am afraid he will go crazy if he keeps trying to hold it all in. He needs to get it out and take baby steps to move forward. Even introduce Minato to his birth mother. Makes me wonder has he ever visited her grave. I don't think so, doesn't seem like he could handle it.
Mekabella21 chapter 9 . 8/18/2016
I am sorry but the vomit scene is hilarious. I did not think Kiba slapping him on the back would have caused that. I can clearly picture the scene making it even more comical for me. I didn't mention it before but I love the fact that Naruto is taller than him. Hmmm very sexy indeed. I think he is going to let Naruto in his a world a bit more, same thing regarding Naruto letting Sasuke in.
Mekabella21 chapter 8 . 8/18/2016
Whew this was a deep chapter right here. Hearing Sasuke story everything makes so much more sense. I feel bad for him. He needed to be getting professional help after what happened to his parents. I can't even imagine him taking drugs but then again I can.

Naruto I am still curious more about his past. That is really sad with what happened the mother of Minato. I dislike when women get pregnant and don't tell the father. Like why would you do something like that? Did she plan to tell him after she had the baby or maybe after she gave the baby up for adoption. Whatever, I am just mad because she is the reason Naruto is hurting. She didn't think about how her suicide would affect him or the unborn child.
Mekabella21 chapter 7 . 8/17/2016
Awwww this is so cute! I am suppose to be in bed but that darn Minato pulled me in with his cuteness. That kid is growing on me, plus he does seem to be helping Sasuke out in a way too. There seems to be something between Sasuke and Naruto but they are both unaware of. I may be overthinking it because I really want them to be together!
Mekabella21 chapter 6 . 8/17/2016
I wonder did Ino place them in Naruto section. I liked hearing them go back and forth with each other.

Orochimaru, that was worse than I thought. What the hell was Sasuke thinking when he made a deal with that guy? I am sure he had a good reason I will find out about later. I feel sorry for him. I can only imagine the things he makes him do behind closed doors.
Mekabella21 chapter 5 . 8/17/2016
I love that you paired Ino with Shikamaru. I always thought they were cute together. I like her personality in your stories I have read so far including this one. Another character I wish had more screen time.

Orochimaru, I was waiting for his punk ass to make an appearance smh. Let's see what this evil man is up to or did.
Mekabella21 chapter 4 . 8/17/2016
Million dollar question Sasuke, what happened while you were away? Shoot, even I want to know. Minato is such a sweet kid, reminds me of a kid. Hyper, telling too many secrets of the home. Reminds me of how smart kids are. Don't under estimate them ever.
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