Reviews for To Forsake What I Knew
Blemm-chan chapter 9 . 7/14
Damn it! Why’d it have to end there? I’d just reread this cause I was going through old fics I favourited. Now I wish this one would continue. Anyway, good luck to everyone. 2020 needs all the luck it can get.
Yuzuki476 chapter 9 . 6/17
Please update.
Yuzuki476 chapter 8 . 6/17
Please update soon.
Yuzuki476 chapter 7 . 6/17
Please let zero and Aido and his hunter team be alright.
Yuzuki476 chapter 6 . 6/17
It's a good thing that kaito told those two older elderlys.
Yuzuki476 chapter 5 . 6/16
Thank you Aido for saving zero.
Yuzuki476 chapter 4 . 6/16
Am glad that everyone is safe and sound.
Yuzuki476 chapter 3 . 6/16
I wonder if zero and Takuma and Kain become great friends?.
Yuzuki476 chapter 2 . 6/16
Am glad that zero is moving on with his life.
Yuzuki476 chapter 1 . 6/16
Kaname the whole world does not revoled around you and Yuuki and zero owes you nothing and he has enough to deal with.
Crazyjess09 chapter 9 . 4/22
Please update if possible
GermanAngel chapter 9 . 4/14/2019
This is the best AiZe Story in the whole net.
For real. I never did read something so interesting, clever and emotional.
And its a rar pair. Such a shame. Your last update was a very long time ago.
Its saddening. When the last chapter was such a tease ;)
I reread this story now like...uhm...20 times? Ever in hope to see a note or something similiar.
If you read this comment please...
Make an authors note. Inform your fans.
Are you going to continue? Or not? Should we look for a new chapter or spare our time?

So let us hear from you please :)

Your fan since years
sousie chapter 9 . 6/17/2018
i like your story!
Iris Evergreen chapter 9 . 3/15/2018
Nice work, hope u plan on updating.
Zerovk chapter 9 . 9/24/2017
Omg why didn't i find this sooner ?! Or did i actually find it and never went past first ch ?! In any case , no matter what i say , i can never do this story justice .
I love love love Aize very very much and you portrayed it so perfectly to the point that i may actually feel very saddened if Kaze completely took over . don't get me wrong i do love kaze very much too but Aize here is something i cannot imagine not reading .
Don't get me started on the pkot , the schemes and the background story , the serious shit , if you will xD even though at times, i had to skip to Aize parts .
Sincerely hoping to see more of this .
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