Reviews for Snow King
Loopy Leefy chapter 3 . 6/3/2016
I can't . . . CAN'T. This just NEEDS to be updated, and I NEED more of it. UUUUUPDAAAAA etc. *Five hours later* AAAAATE! (In other words, I think this is awesome. :) )
Law1ess chapter 3 . 12/23/2015
Ohmygshthisisawesome! This is really cool and I hope to read more in the future!
Shiny Eeveee chapter 3 . 5/29/2015
Please you need to update this! I can't bear waiting any longer!
FireFox Vixen chapter 3 . 12/15/2014
Really good
Guest chapter 3 . 8/1/2014
Ooooo, this looks promising! I love the concept. Please continue!
Tsubasa chapter 3 . 4/14/2014
Wow... I hope you continue this soon!
Monica chapter 3 . 4/2/2014
I hope you continue this. I'm very intrigued by Emil's boldness and what it may bring and how it may end up affecting the kingdom. :3
Black Kaitou chapter 3 . 12/30/2013
Yeah an update, this is really good and I can't wait for the next chapter!
AnonymousAnon chapter 3 . 12/29/2013
Aw, this was a really good chapter. It's been a while since I saw a new one. I feel like it won't be until a while until we see another though w but that's okay, always worth the wait (/*u*)/ I hope Norway doesn't kill him (0.0)
Guest chapter 3 . 12/28/2013
Wowzers! You ought to continue this! I hate cliff hanger, and I really need the next chapter. The story is so amazing. I like your idea.

And in the first chapter, that bowl thing part and names in folded paper, I was like "what.. This is just like Hunger Games XD" and I just watched that movie before I read this LOL. But that's not important. ANYWAY, you have to write the next one. SOON. ;) I'll wait!
KKsaiyancat chapter 3 . 12/29/2013
This is a good fic so far! I can totally see all this happening...So I honestly hope you can update soon...!
Maelstrom Alert chapter 3 . 12/29/2013
Aww, Norway!

I love this story, very exciting! o.o
Faenil chapter 3 . 12/28/2013
Very interesting story! I really liked it so far.
Baylee1100 chapter 3 . 12/28/2013
oh is norway's heart melting just slightly?! please please update super super soon!
soraxtsuna123 chapter 3 . 12/28/2013
I thought Emil was going tobdie. Good thing he didn't. Whew
I hope u update soon
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