Reviews for Did My Heart Love Till Now?
Guest chapter 11 . 7/28/2019
Smooth Pancakes chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
I loved this. You did an amazing job. I've always loved this episode, it's one of my favorites. I just wish it had been set after Helga's confession, as I think it would have been for a much more interesting episode with Arnold and Helga's interactions and the kiss(es) with both of them dealing with the fallout of Helga's confession.

I also enjoy even better in this setting, with them in high school and older and more mature. Makes for much better and entertaining tension between each other. I'm sad there was never an epilogue posted, but at least we got a happy ending with Arnold and Helga admitting their love for each other. MUCH better than if you had ended the chapter after the play and intended to leave them declaring their love for each other in the epilogue.
RirianSan chapter 11 . 8/8/2018
Lovely! (watery eyes and smile emoji)
Isabel Nightray chapter 11 . 8/3/2018
awww this is one of my favorite fanfics of this for writing it !
DeepVoice'06 chapter 11 . 7/22/2018
Great story I enjoyed it!
Guest chapter 11 . 1/21/2018
Epilogue or no
It has been over a wee
Ssgamer chapter 8 . 1/18/2018
Ssgamer chapter 4 . 1/17/2018
Ha! *Snicker* She just- ha ha! *Snicker* she- ha!
Guest chapter 11 . 1/10/2018
Uhmmm epilogue?
Guest chapter 11 . 12/5/2017
Where’s the epilogue/?
Guest chapter 11 . 11/19/2017
Didn’t realize you finished it! Loved it so much
Guest chapter 11 . 10/5/2017
I love all of your Helga/Arnold fics. Hope you return to this one soon
Shadow fox rose chapter 11 . 8/26/2017
I really enjoy this story it was a cool idea to take one episode and kind of age up the characters to see what would happen if they were older. Thanks for the story
Guest chapter 11 . 8/18/2017
It's been a year, u said you'd get the epilogue would be out after a week, is everything ok? Hopefully u eventually update. I'll be waiting patiently.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/4/2017
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