Reviews for Pomp and Circumstantial Evidence
DaisyDay chapter 12 . 7/9/2016
I started reading this and just couldn't stop! Your portrayal of the Simon brothers and their mother was spot on. You did a fabulous job!
Jonah1230 chapter 12 . 8/1/2013
I FINALLY got myself logged in so I can review! Great story! You are by far my favorite Simon & Simon fiction writer on this site. You so a great job keeping true to the characters. I hope you'll continue to write more S & S fan fiction. You do have readers who eagerly await your next entry!
kristleap chapter 12 . 7/30/2013
Thanks again for this story. I really enjoyed it. Hope you are working on another one. You portray the characters perfectly. You kept me in suspense from start to finish. Great story.
kristleap chapter 11 . 7/30/2013
A great ending to the case. I love that the guys got to put Dupre in his place. Hope Lana won't hold it against Cecilia.
kristleap chapter 10 . 7/30/2013
I am sure the phone call was preplanned to make Dupre suspect something. The guys are up to something. Hope they can catch him red handed so Lana will have to believe them.
kristleap chapter 9 . 7/30/2013
hope they don't get caught this time. You have the brothers pegged. I can picture your scenes in my head and it is like watching an episode from the series.
kristleap chapter 8 . 7/30/2013
It's a smart move for Holly to leave. I'm sure she is not safe. The guys finally have something to work with. Enjoying your story immensely.
kristleap chapter 7 . 7/30/2013
Wonder what they do now. What ever it is I am sure trouble will ensue.
kristleap chapter 6 . 7/30/2013
A.J.'s internal alarm bell was running a little late. With the Simons in jail Dupre can get out of town and get married. I wouldn't count the guys out just yet. They are always resilient.
kristleap chapter 5 . 7/30/2013
Once the guys get on to something there is no stopping them. I loved the pep talk Rick gave A.J.. Now that they know Dupre's plans there will be no stopping them getting to the bottom of what his real intentions are.
kristleap chapter 4 . 7/30/2013
The guys have a name to go on even if the address was a bust. It is obvious that Dupre is up to no good.
As always I am enjoying your story and it has me hooked.
kristleap chapter 3 . 7/30/2013
Glad there doesn't seem to be any permanent damage to the boys. The scene with them bickering is so like them. Once they knew the other was okay they started fussing at each other. Hope they can find one or two of the guys in the mug shot books.
kristleap chapter 2 . 7/30/2013
I loved this chapter. The boys are already in the thick of things. If Dupre saw Ditto's loupe it might spell trouble for the boys. I could just picture the scene with A.J. under the bed and Rick in the tub.
kristleap chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
The boys will do anything to help their mom. A great start to what I can tell is going to be a great story. You have the boys ways and personalities down pat. Looking forward to the next chapter.
scootersmom chapter 12 . 7/28/2013
How absolutely wonderful to have a new Simon and Simon story to read! I read the whole story all at once (I'm so glad you post it like that because I hate to wait for chapters!)
Your story was great...I could just see those "boys" in action again. I enjoyed having their mom in the story too. She is such a great character. Once again you have captured their personalities perfectly and had a nice, creative storyline. I sure hope you are working on another story. I enjoy them so much!