Reviews for Don't you remember
FaBbEr0oZ chapter 2 . 1/20/2014
Glad they finally had a chat. They deserve each other
Guest chapter 2 . 8/8/2013
So much pain lol.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
Awesome lol, nice starting.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
I always love your story so much.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/27/2013
Love it, so pain and romantic.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/27/2013
Great story.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Great first chapter, can't wait for more.
Blu chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Great start. Looking forward to the update.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Update please. I love this chapter so much.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Love it girl, you re Awesome.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Please... Please... Please.. Continue this story, I really love this story. Awesome
Philogyny chapter 2 . 7/28/2013
AWWW! Great story! Loved it!
ravenbard chapter 2 . 7/28/2013
Ah, that suspended moment where you're trying to decipher whether or not the person standing before you is real or just a figment of your imagination. Poor Pam. And then having to touch Tara to make herself believe; it really shows how much her progeny's absence affected her.

And Tara, I could just imagine how that simple touch almost broke her so her backpedaling when Pam moved subconsciously forward was a very intense moment indeed.

Pam wants to TALK?! PAM?! Wow, she really has changed. But of course, Tara being Tara, she comes back swinging. And boy did she swing, rehashing all the stuff that went down between them...stuff we're sadly living by watching Season 6.

Pam's so hard to see a vampire like Pam reduced to being on hers knees and outright pleading but if anyone can invoke that kind of reaction from her, it's her child. The conversation between them, Pam begging Tara to stay, Tara being conflicted not wanting her heart ripped to confetti again, well done! It was emotionally powerful; I felt it when I was reading. It hurt, in that good way. Angst can be so rich in flavor in stories.

I wasn't expecting the declaration of love from Pam so quickly into their reunion but after re-reading, I get it. She has to throw all her cards on the table, has to let Tara know that their 5 year long estrangement was too much. It broke something in her and she won't relive it again. So, she told Tara she loved her. Actually loved her. Reading this bit, i could kind glean that Tara felt a flicker of doubt, as it was her right to but ultimately, they're meant to be. Sometimes, you're just going to have to fall to see what's on the bottom.

Great short story! It started off with that sense of anticipation and weary resignation, turned into a moment of contentment and slight trepidation when Tara met Willa, shot off the charts when Willa brought Tara up to see Pam, turned so deliciously angst-y when Pam and Tara came face to face and then it ended with a sweet note and the promise of forever. Excellent. Thank you for sharing!
ravenbard chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
Stupid site changed its format and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to filter the stories to only Pam and Tara. I swear I was driving myself up the wall trying to figure it out. But, I'm here now. I was curious when you said you wrote another story and it's an angst-y one at that! You know how much I love angst.

You picked a great song to transport this story one. Adele is one of my favorite artists and this song you picked is one of my favorite songs from hers. I listened to it on loop as I was reading and it packed an emotional punch.

I loved how you opened the story with it being half a decade down the road. It figures these two would run into each other again. It's fate, people. They're just MEANT to be.

I like your interpretation of Willa. She's still not my favorite character on the show because compared to everyone else, she's pretty bland. Like plain pancakes stacked next to yummy chocolate chip pancakes. But you've portrayed her as a more mature and less...bland vampire here. It's also nice to see that her ties with Tara haven't diminished. I'll admit to like the sibling interaction between them.

Then comes the bit at the end of the chapter where Tara comes face to face with Pam for the first time in 5 years. I could pretty much picture both vampires' expressions and feel their shock. Love how you had Tara greet Pam with "Hello, Barbie." Lol.

Onto chapter 2!
Firefly-class chapter 2 . 7/28/2013
So good! So so so good! Tara got to speak her mind and Pam made a heart felt apology. Nice job.
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