Reviews for Things Change
MotekElm chapter 20 . 5/24
super fluff and everyone is nice and everyone either lives or comes back from the dead. a bit too sweet for me, but it's nice
MotekElm chapter 18 . 5/23
very sweeet
mworth1019 chapter 36 . 5/12
What a sweet story. I enjoyed this, glad I found it. I don't usually like Severus/Hermione stories but this was good
NoonaMaya chapter 36 . 3/23
this is a beautiful story. I like the fluffynes
Tilty.bbb chapter 36 . 3/11/2019
This was a fantastic read well done
jada951 chapter 15 . 12/6/2018
ron learned to shut it mouth?

maybe it was worth them being away, delusional git!
Kimmytrainer chapter 36 . 10/7/2017
I'm not a fan of placing that quote at the end. Maybe it's work better at the beginning? It takes away from the closure. Anyway, such a sweet story! I can't believe Sirius's fiance's name lmao that cracked me up so much when I first read it many chapters ago. At least Duchess Black is better than Duchess Pineapple XDDDD I love the little scene at the end of Lucius and Arthur dancing together lmao. I'm really happy that Ron and Mallory, and Harry and Andrea, worked out :D and Naomi's decision to name her and Charlie's first child Rosalie is so so sweet. Adorable story :) thanks for writing!
Kimmytrainer chapter 35 . 10/7/2017
Seraphina is a beautiful name :) I love that Harry and Andrea are working out. Ron and Mallory, too. Hermione has A LOT of friends XD
Kimmytrainer chapter 32 . 10/7/2017
Hmm so they both won? Interesting
Kimmytrainer chapter 30 . 10/7/2017
Oh cool! I didn't even try to guess because I had no idea XD
Kimmytrainer chapter 29 . 10/7/2017
Awww so sad :(
Kimmytrainer chapter 28 . 10/7/2017
That's exciting for Ron :) he actually came up with a good excuse for being there, visiting George. I was expecting him to fudge it up XD
Kimmytrainer chapter 27 . 10/7/2017
So beautiful 3
Kimmytrainer chapter 26 . 10/7/2017
Oh this whole thing is so beautiful
Kimmytrainer chapter 25 . 10/7/2017
Well that wasn't ridiculous... jk kinda was but in a funny way, where do you get these ideas? XD
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