Reviews for Stories From Baker Street
aicia.dayle chapter 99 . 2/12/2017
I ironically have just finished reading this on the exact day that you've last updated only two years later, this is one of my favorite books! i'm sad that you won't be updated but 97 chapters and a few of your own personal words are more then enough! thank you for this book :D
Jachien chapter 99 . 3/10/2016
This is excellent! You're a great writer. I love your writing style.
Hatsune Miku chapter 10 . 2/27/2015
Thank you pretty please could you keep writing I'd love if you could do a story about John and Mycroft working together to save Sherlock from his drug problem.
Teshka chapter 99 . 2/21/2015
Thanks for writing what you did! I always enjoyed your updates _ Keep being awesome!
gwen B chapter 84 . 2/16/2015
Ah! so cute thanks for writing! I love your story! :)
Shiary chapter 99 . 2/15/2015
Take care of yourself and enjoy your life XD
RoseJustice chapter 99 . 2/12/2015
Dang, too bad...I really wanted to suggest a BAMF!John story...these stories really were pretty interesting...if you hadn't have written this author's note I never would've found this story, so I'm following it anyway just in case you update, if you ever do, I have a story idea, not a full idea really, but hey, I just love me a BAMF John story and kinda want to see one where John gets to prove exactly how BAMF he really is, and Sherlock likes it! A lot! Lol! Silly, but, like I said, I love BAMF John! I really do hope you update again.
RoseJustice chapter 88 . 2/12/2015
ROFL! That's just too funny!
TheReturned chapter 99 . 2/12/2015
I too have become very disappointed with the Sherlock lot recently, due in the main to the upcoming Sherlocked convention. Very disappointed that the cast & crew have agreed to appear at such a money grabbing event. And don't get me started on Setlock. All very sad.

It's a shame to see you go but I completely understand your reasoning.
RoseJustice chapter 57 . 2/12/2015
The second episode of the first season. The one with Soo Lin and General Han...I don't remember any other swords being used but that one.
MontMomo chapter 98 . 2/12/2015
I hope the Christmas special and season 4 inspires you!
thewhiphandsdaughter chapter 98 . 2/12/2015
I totally agree with you. I feel exactly the same way. It's as if I have seen the light with Sherlock especially with the setlock and Sherlocked event happening in London. Annoyed with both the so called fans and actors/crew with spoilers. And then there is the event which is a money making scandal. I am starting to question it all now. So glad I'm not the only one thinking of these thoughts. Pretty sad really!
Old Ping Hai chapter 98 . 2/12/2015
Enjoy your time off. Like you, I've gotten tired of what goes on with the show, and while I have hopes for S4, I'm not going to hold my breath. Because of all that, I pretty much only read and sometimes write AUs anymore.

This may be a rather ironic place for me to say this, but AO3 is GREAT. Hope to see you over there.
Guest chapter 98 . 2/12/2015
Ya, I totally know what you mean. Season, to be honest, wasn't the best they had to offer. It's starting to feel like their just paying attention to the fans to on tumblr and completely disregard the rest. And with all the drama around setlock... It just doesn't feel like the same fandom anymore.
Sierra Wood chapter 97 . 11/13/2014
Please update soon! I'm dying for some really great Johnlock, it's been ages since I've found anything remotely decent. Please update! I'll even give you a phrase, Back in Black. Ok, so it's the name of an ACDC song but it's a phrase. (I've been slinking around my other fandoms recently and Avengers and Tony Stark are my current choice of reading.) So please update soon!
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